Christmas Angel (Cas x Reader)

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You were sitting on the couch in the motel room. The boys were out at the nearby bar, hustling pool, and drinking away the hunt you all had just finished. They'd asked you to come with them, but you were weren't much for drinking and so had declined. So instead you were now alone in the motel room, watching cheesy TV Christmas movies that were making you wish you were wasted.

When you had flipped on the TV you'd been surprised to see that almost every channel was airing something Christmas-y. After quickly checking the calender on your phone you were informed that it was, in fact, December 24. Christmas Eve. At first you were slightly upset that you hadn't realized that Christmas was tomorrow and hadn't planned anything, so now you and the boys were supposed to be cooped up in the car, driving all day tomorrow. But then you'd sighed to yourself trying to be realistic. You hadn't celebrated Christmas in years, it was unlikely that this year would have been different. Unfortunately in your 'line of work' you didn't get many vacation days.

Besides, even when you three had them off (Which wasn't often), the boys didn't really like to celebrate the holidays. You'd tried on several occasions, but they shut you down almost every time. The one year that you had gotten them to, you'd all almost been killed. Of course it just had to be the thing you'd picked out to give to Dean that would wind up being a cursed object. Obviously. And then there was that one time more recently when you'd tried to get Cas to dress up as a Christmas angel. That hadn't exactly gone well.

You were thinking about all of your failed Christmas attempts over the years, when a voice on the couch next to you said. "That costume was immensely uncomfortable. The gown kept tripping me, and the wire halo cut off blood flow to my head." You jumped, reaching for the dagger you kept in your jacket pocket, when you turned and realized that it was Cas. You sighed audibly, the sudden burst of adrenaline fading away.
"Geez, Cas. Why don't you ever use the door, or something?"
"I find them to be a pointless waist of time. And it's much warmer in here, than outside."
You just raised an eyebrow at him, then returned your gaze to the television. "Whatever." You mumbled.

"Why is this a Christmas movie?" you asked, gesturing to the screen. 'The Sound of Music' was playing, and though you knew lots of people liked it, you never understood how it was a Christmas movie. It had like, nothing to do with Christmas, at all. Cas shrugged. (Which surprised you slightly, for it was a fairly human gesture.)
"Christmas is a celebration of the birth of Jesus, and so I suppose a film about a nun could be affiliated with it. Though I don't know what singing has to do with anything."
Now it was your turn to shrug, figuring that was the best answer you were going to get. "Good enough for me."

After a moment of silence (As you were both momentarily sucked into the TV) you turned to Cas. "So Cas, what brings you by? Is there some bad shiznit going on up in heaven?"
"No there is nothing wrong happening in heaven, well anymore than usual--and what is 'Shiznit'?"
"Just trying out some new words I learned from Will Smith. And ok, then what's up?"
"Who is Will-? Never mind, it's not of import. Nothing in particular has caused my visit, I just thought I would check in on you and the Winchesters. Where are they by the way?"
"They're down at 'Red's Tavern' getting drunk. If you'd like to join them I won't mind."
"No, liquor clouds my mind. I don't want to smite anyone on accident, like the last time." "Wait wha-?" "Besides, I like spending time with you."
You looked over at Cas from the corner of your eye to see if he was teasing you or something, but his face was completely straight and monotone as usual as he watched the TV.
"I like spending time with you too Cas." You said hesitantly.
A ghost of a smile passed over Castiel's lips.

You started channel searching, looking for a decent Christmas movie to watch. You paused briefly on a channel that showed a couple sharing a kiss under the mistletoe, and sighed softly. You wished you had a boyfriend to be with on Christmas. You didn't exactly have many dating opportunities, and the Winchesters were like brothers to you, so they were out. You were about to change the channel again when you saw Cas stir over on his side of the couch. You turned to glance at him, just in time for his lips to press to yours.

To say you were surprised would be an understatement. So you didn't really kiss back, rather just kinda sat there dumbfounded. But he pulled away, ending the kiss quickly. Maybe a little to quickly for you liking, actually. You both just sat there looking at each other. You were searching his face for, well you didn't know what. Something! But he looked as innocent as ever. Then you realized he was blushing slightly, probably embarrassed, thinking you didn't like it since you still hadn't responded.
"..Cas...?" You finally managed.
His blush deepened. "I sensed your sadness, and the couple on the screen-well the female looked happy when the male kissed her, and I wanted you to be happy too. And in your thoughts you were wishing you had someone, and-" He was rambling a bit.

Suddenly you reached forward and grabbed his tie, pulling him closer, kissing him again. After a moment he retaliated, slowly, hesitantly, slightly unsure. The kiss deepened when he traced his tongue over your lips and you allowed him entrance. The kiss grew slightly more heated, and he leaned against you on the couch. After awhile you pulled apart. The two of you were still nose to nose and for the first time you realized how beautiful his eyes were. Sparkling blue like diamonds. He kissed you on the forehead softly, then looked into your (e/c) eyes. "Sorry if I was to forward."
"Oh no, you were great." You smirked.

The rest of the night the two of you lay on the couch (basically cuddling) watching cheesy TV Christmas movies, that suddenly didn't bother you as much anymore.

Who needed a boyfriend, you had an angel!

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