Lava Lamps and Ice Cream (CastielxReader)

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"Don't touch that." Her voice cut through the silence, startling the angel and causing him to retract his hand.

Castiel glanced over at (y/n). Tilting his head to the side slightly after noticing her eyes didn't leave the book lying carefully in her lap.

He turned his attention back to the glowing lamp in front of him. The bulbous orbs shifting slowly inside the glass container.

(e/c) eyes flickered up from the words on the page to the handsome angel who crouched in front of the lava lamp. The corner of her mouth twitched slightly as his crystal blue eyes followed the slow moving lava. His hand once again moved towards the lamp.

"Cas. I said no." Her voice was stern and drew his attention again. He retracted his hand and after a moment went back to gazing at the lamp.

She sighed inwardly. Not only was she stuck in this small motel room, but she had to babysit the angel, too. Not that it was all bad. He was usually very well behaved. This time, however, the room came equipped with a lava lamp. Which is a pretty cool thing to have usually. They are relaxing and cool to look at, but with their immense heat they generate and an overly curious, not to mention adorable, angel, it's just an accident waiting to happen.

Once again, her (e/c) eyes began drifting across the page. Slowly she immersed herself into the world of (f/b), forgetting the potential accident in the room.

A small yelp caused her to jump and look up to find Castiel sprawled out supporting his weight with one hand while staring confused at the other. She tossed her book onto the closest bed and moved swiftly to the angel's side kneeling down next to him.

"What did I say, Cas?" He met her hard gaze with a heart wrenching puppy dog look.

"You said not to touch it." He stated, sounding hurt.

"And what did you do?" She was determined to make her point, no matter how adorable the angel was.

"I touched it." He glanced back down at his hand still confused, "But that does not explain why it burned me."

She sighed as her resolve faded and her lips betrayed her and supported the smile growing there.

"Come on." She said helping the angel to his feet and into the bathroom, "Lava Lamps always get insanely hot when left on."

Castiel nodded slightly as he watched her lead him over to the sink and turn on the cold water. She ran her hand under the cool liquid before taking his injured hand and carefully placing it under the flow. He relaxed as the burn slowly slipped away with the current and took the moment to study the small girl.

She watched the water flow over the angel's hand as she held it in place. A stray piece of hair fell into her face and a gentle hand brushed it back behind her ear. She looked up meeting the angel's pure blue eyes and noticed how he leaned ever so slightly towards her.

"Hey, we're back." Dean's voice tore through the moment and the girl's eyes snapped to the bathroom door, "We brought food. Where the hell are you two?"

A smirk spread across the girl's face as she imagined Dean spinning in a circle at his discovery of an empty room.

"Calm down, Fido." She turned off the faucet and dried her hands on the towel before carefully drying Castiel's. "We're right here."

She stepped out of the bathroom, discarding the towel carelessly as Castiel followed after her.

"What were you doing in the bathroom together, huh?" Dean raised his eyebrows as a smirk painted his features, "Having a bit of fun? You know there are two prefectly good beds-"

Dean was cut off by Sam's "are you serious?" look.

"What?" Dean said defensively as if he did nothing wrong. Sam rolled his eyes at his brother.

"Cassy here burned his hand on the Lava Lamp." She motioned to the angel who was still watching her intently.

Dean chuckled and sat down on the couch flipping on the T.V. He gave a small huff and a sure as he opened a beer.

"We brought you some ice cream, (y/n)" Sam tossed the container which she caught with ease.

"Sweet!" She fist pumped and grabbed a plastic spoon, before hopping on the bed and opening the delicious treat. Her eyes floated up to meet curious blue orbs.

"Come on, Cas." She patted the spot next to her. The angel hesitantly sat on the bed and pulled his feet up to mimic her criss-crossed leg position. He eyed the small tub of frozen delight with curiosity. The girl plunged the spoon deep into the (f/f) ice cream and retrieved it only to place the ice cream covered spoon quickly into her mouth. A smile spread across her lips as she closed her eyes in pure bliss.

Castiel watched, glancing back and forth occasionally trying to figure out how this small container caused such a reaction in his beautiful friend. (e/c) eyes noticed the angel's confusion and a grin spread across her face.

"Open your mouth, Cas."

Dean almost choked on his beer and Sam's eyes snapped from the computer screen to where the two sat on the bed.

What they saw was a very confused Castiel staring almost cross eyed at a spoon piled with ice cream and a grinning (h/c) girl moving the spoon closer towards the angel's mouth.

Castiel slowly opened his mouth and closed when the spoon passed his lips. The cold substance hit his tongue and he tilted his head to the side as the freezing substance burned slightly when he swallowed it quickly.

"So?" The girl asked, "What do you think?"

"It is...good. I think." Castiel looked up at her with puppy dog eyes for the second time that night, "I do not understand, though..." He trailed off looking down at his hand that still burned slightly from earlier.

"Hmmm?" The girl took another bite of ice cream before looking at the angel again.

"Why does this," He indicated the ice cream with a glance, "burn like the glowing container of lava?"

The girl laughed and he looked up at her confused.

"Cas," She took his burned hand and placed it carefully under hers on the ice cream tub, "you are way to adorable for your own good."

He watched the girl and gave a small, confused smile. She motioned an ice cream filled spoon towards him and he nodded slightly before accepting another bite of the frozen treat.

"How adorable." Dean said eyeing them, "Why don't you two get a room?'

Casiel looked at Dean confused.

"But we already have a room." The angel furrowed his brow trying to understand Dean's words, "Why would we need another?"

Dean just sighed and muttered to himself as Sam chuckled from across the room.

The small girl giggled and leaned into her angel. His arm slipped hesitantly around her waist and she smiled up the angel. She leaned up placing a small kiss on his cheek. Then held the spoon up to his lips, taking turns consuming the ice cream with her accident prone angel.

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