7 minutes in heaven ~ Castiel

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You looked over the items carefully before taking the piece of paper gingerly in your hands, "I pick Castiel."

You could hear Dean groan to himself, and Sam mutter a: "I knew it."

Castiel looked at Sam and Dean, then to you, confused about how he should react.

You ripped him out of his chair by his arm, and looked at the brothers, "where are we playing?"

Sam got up, looking around, and then pointed to the small closet.

You looked at Castiel, then to the small closet.
Castiel some how got the idea and started walking to it.

Sam walked over to the two of you, and peeked his head in the closet, "there's barely any room for two people, let alone one..."

Castiel look around then stated, "she can sit on my lap..."

Again, you could hear Dean's loud chuckle, and bang on the table.

"It's hilarious because he's not trying to be perverted!"

Castiel gave you a look of worry before backing away slightly, apologetic.

"Am I doing something wrong? I'm sorry...I didn't mean too...Either way, i'd still like to show you heaven..."

Dean's laughed boomed through the room, and the angel gave you another apologetic look.

You smiled lightly at Castiel before speaking, "it's alright Cas-Cas! Dean's just being butt hurt because I didn't chose him."

You turned around, giving Dean THE LOOK, then turning back to Castiel.

Dean immediately quite down, mumbling to himself before downing the rest of his beer and returning to the couch, watching the small screen once again.

You ignored Dean and turned to Castiel, "well...I guess that's the only way, right? Go ahead Cas, sit down."

Castiel nodded his head, sitting in the corner of the closet before you crawled in after him, sitting lightly on his lap.

Sam looked at the two of you, "seven minutes."

You gave him a slight nod as he shut the closet door.

"Soooooooooooo." You turned to look at him, attempting to breaking the ice.

"I was serious about showing you heaven. Would you like to see?" He pointed his index and his middle finger and you pressed down his fingers lightly, making his right hand into a fist.

You giggled to yourself, and even though it was practically pitch black, you could see worry written all over his face.

"You didn't do anything wrong! We just have to stay here, remember? Besides, don't you want to play this game with me?"

You place one of your hands onto his shoulder while the other one played with his tie.

"I don't understand, wasn't I suppose to show you heaven?"

You smiled again, holding in a laugh, "yes, but there's more then one way to show me..."

Your hand that was previously on his tie reached for his face. With your index finger you traced one side of his jawline.

"...Like killing you?"

You stopped mid-tracing and looked at Castiel, "no Castiel."

You huffed, and kissed his lips lightly, "like that."

He looked at you silently for awhile before kissing your plump lips lightly, just like you had shown him.

"Like that?"

You nodded slightly, "or like this."

You kissed the angel roughly, wrapping your arms around his neck.

He mimicked you again, except wrapped his arms around your waist knowingly, "Or like that?"

You smiled at him sweetly, "now we can get fancy with it!"

He looked at you, his nose touching yours slightly, "fancy?"


You roughly explained about different types of kissing and such, he didn't seem to get the whole point, but at least he knows what he's doing now.

You kissed his lips again, biting his bottom lips softly, then licking it.

He obediently parted his lips slightly, and you quickly roamed around in your new territory before Dean ripped open the closet door, "THAT'S IT! PARTY'S OVER!"

You groaned lightly, getting out of the closet, and Castiel soon after.

Dean rolled his eyes and shut the door behind you, walking over and sitting next to Sam.

"So, how was it, Cas?"

Castiel simply grabbed your hands, dragging you in front of the t.v. with him, then showing the boys the new trick you taught him.

"I learned something new about ______________ that wasn't in her file..."

You and pretty much every one else stared at Castiel quietly.

"She's a excellent kisser..."

He kissed you again, this time being cocky and pulling you in closer, licking you bottom lip.

You were hesitant at first, but obeyed.

"CAS! __________! GET A ROOM!"

Dean threw his pillow at the two of you while Sam threw his burnt popcorn.

Lucky for Sam, the burnt corn landed down your shirt.

Sadly, for Dean, the pillow hit the t.v. and crashed it to the ground.

"AH WELL **** ME!"

He looked at all of you seriously, "not literally..."

He kicked the now broken t.v. before laying on his bed in defeat while you shook the burnt popcorn off of you.

You sent Sam a glare stating you'd get him back.

Sam could only laughed, laying on the couch.

You turned around to meet Castiel gaze again, kissing him softly.

He kissed you back happily, holding you tightly into his chest.

"You know...I still want to show you heaven...."

"You have, baby, you have."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2018 ⏰

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