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It was finally after school, Chanyeol walked me home. I practically pinned my ears down and tucked my tail between my legs. I was scared for what was going to come, my father was not the nicest wolf. My brother was silent the entire walk, he knew what was going to come of this and he felt bad to a degree. But in all honesty, he thinks I need to be punished for trying to be nice to vampires.

We arrived at our house and I was hesitant at first but Chanyeol rolled his eyes dragging me inside. First I saw out mom, she gave me a look that pretty much said she was sorry and she couldn't do anything about it. And then my father came down the stairs, his eyes landed on me as he glared. He came up to me and the first thing he did was slap Chanyeol.

"You were supposed to protect your sister." He snapped as Chanyeol looked down holding his cheek. "And you, you ungrateful brat." He slapped me harder than Chanyeol making him fall backwards.

"Don't do this." My mother begged him but he went over to me and kicked me in the stomach making my mom cry.

"Your sister was killed because of them! Do you want to end up dead!? All vampires are the same, Park Luna!" He growled as he kept kicking me. "You think we can end this feud!? You go to that school making our pack look like fools! What do you think other packs think of us as?! HUH!?" 

I hurled over holding my stomach as I coughed up blood. "Mianhae, appa."

"Aniyo! You aren't sorry or else you wouldn't have done it! You think they have feelings?! And then you have the assiduity to stay at a vampires house!? A ROYAL!" He yelled as he gave me one last kick which made me hit the wall. "Do anything like that again and you will no longer be a part of this pack, Luna." He snapped as he looked at my mother. "Don't help her, she needs to realize what she has done." And with that he walked away.

"Luna.." Chanyeol looked at me as I stood up slowly.

"I'm going o-out." I stuttered dropping my bag and walked outside, the tears flowed as I began walking. 

To think if I keep defending vampires I wont have a family, I wont have a pack. I didn't know where to go so I went to the mall so I could get some food. There was vampires, werewolves and humans all through it, but no one did anything because it was public. We don't need to government to know we exist, so we try to be good as much as we can in public. I ordered a basket of fried chicken with some fries and sat down in the food court, when I ate a fry I wanted to puke. My stomach hurt way too much so I just pushed the food in front of me and laid my head on the table. Mianhae, father. I just wanted this feud to stop, I never meant to bring disgrace to our family.

An hour went by and I didn't move, I basically kept my head down while crying once in a while. If I keep going with this, will my father stop loving me? Will I lose all of my family, friends? I understand my little sister was killed by a vampire, but they aren't all like that. A royal proved that last night by healing me. Honestly, I don't know what to do. I want to make my family happy, but for some reason this whole feud between us makes me want to settle it once and for all. 

"Luna?" I heard someone call my name as I looked up and my eyes widen.

"T-Taehyung?" I immediately looked away, I know I have tears stained on my face and I looked like shit. "What are you doing here?"

"Here with the guys, came out to buy some clothes for a party. Why are you here?" He questioned.

"Mollah. I needed to get away from my house." I shrugged not looking at him, I have a bruise on my face from where my father hit me. And it hurts to even move with the huge bruises on my stomach.

All his friends came as they smiled at me. "Mind if we join you?" Jin asked as I shrugged again.

"Damn, you are in a lot of pain, physically and emotionally." Jungkook looked at me as I instantly looked up at them.

The Hunt(Kim Taehyung/BTS Fanfic) -Completed-Where stories live. Discover now