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I sighed walking into my kitchen where I felt my dad slap me. I looked up at him and his face was furious. My mother looked away as my brother looked at me worriedly. "What?" I asked softly.

"Don't what me. A dance? Where vampires and wolves must dance with one another!? You are forbidden from attending!" He growled.

"But I have to be there! I am the wolf president, if I don't show something could happen." I explained to him.

"And you think I care because?" He chuckled. "Who asked you?"

"Kim Taehyung." I glared.

His eyes widen as he went to slap me again but Chanyeol stopped him. "Ani father! He saved her life more than once. If it wasn't for him I would have had another dead sister! We owe him!"

"Owe a bloodsucker?!" He scoffed yanking his arm away. "It was her stupidity for being around a vampire to get bit to begin with!"

"And the other time was because of you!" I shouted. "You killed a vampire and his friends tried to kill me to get justice!" 

"So this Kim Taehyung just saved you from them?" My father raised a brow.

"Yes, he did. He and his friends all did. There was six vampires with silver,  appa. I couldn't handle them alone." I nodded.

"Yeobo." My mother went to my dad as she gave him a look. "It's a dance, something Siwon and Kyuhyun are wanting. Let her participate for her school, the others are looking up to her."

My father looked at me than at my brother and mom. "Aish. Very well. One wrong thing for this stupid little dance and I'm forbidding you to go. Chanyeol, you are allowed to ask a vampire as well."

"Jinjja?" Me and Chanyeol both said in unison shocked.

"One question though. This Kim Taehyung kid, since you drank his blood is there anything wrong like the legends say?" My father asked me.

"Ani. His blood just healed me, that's all." I smiled slightly, sometimes I feel bad for lying to my father. But if he found out I was bound to Taehyung, all hell would break loose.

"Arasseo, get to school." He waved us off as we ran out of the house.

"Wow." Chanyeol shook his head in disbelief.

I nodded my head. "I still think he is up to something... Chanyeol Oppa, don't you think he's acting weird?"

"He is, he would never let either of us go with vampires. Especially to dance with them. Luna, what could he be planning?" He looked at me as we walked.

"Honestly, I have no idea. And that's the scary part." I sighed.

We arrived to school and there was already banners and flyers about the dance. It was this next Saturday and supposedly Siwon and Kyuhyun are making guest appearances. The school even hired a Kpop band for live music, SHINee. They wanted to make it the best dance that anyone has ever been to. The council decided it should be themed almost for royalty, which highly annoyed me since some vampires are royal. And I also haven't worn a dress since my cousin's wedding when I was the flower girl ten years ago.

I spotted Taehyung talking with his friends against some lockers, so I ditched Chanyeol and walked up behind him. "Boo."

He jumped a little. "How the hell-"

"I'm also supernatural, we are known for being able to sneak up on vampires." I grinned.

"Someones chipper today." Jimin chuckled.

The Hunt(Kim Taehyung/BTS Fanfic) -Completed-Where stories live. Discover now