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"TAEHYUNG!" I screamed his name sitting up gasping for air. I looked around seeing white walls, where was I? Then I saw a door and monitor systems, was I in the hospital? The door opened suddenly when I saw my mother, my brother and Taehyung come on. Tears filled my eyes when he ran over to me and hugged me.

"You're awake." He held me tight making sure not to touch my shoulder.

"Taehyung, what happened?" I sniffed nuzzling in his neck as he backed away.

"You don't remember?" He questioned.

I shook my head. "I remember being at the podium... Then I talked to mom and your father but that's it."

"Luna." He looked down ashamed. "You were shot by a silver bullet, turns out there was a hunter at the debate."

"A h-hunter?" I gulped. "I was shot?" I then remembered I felt the pain in my shoulder as I touched it. It was all patched up and covered.

"In order to get you to heal even slightly they had to take blood from me and surgically get the bullet out. If it wasn't for my blood, you would have been dead by the poison on the bullet." He took my hand. "I should have known, I'm so sorry."

"It wasn't your fault, don't think that." I kissed his cheek. "It could have happened to a different wolf. I'm glad I had you to help me heal."

He smiled slightly. "Anytime."

"You need to end this whole 'let's end the feud' crap Luna. That's the reason you got shot." Chanyeol suddenly spoke up. "I had my friends ask around, he was hired by a vampire. Look I believe in everything you are standing up for. But I don't want to lose another sister."

"Chanyeol you wont." I barked. "I have Taehyung to heal me for one. For two, I'm not going to stop this just because I got shot. That's exactly what they want! What would get accomplished if I gave up now and let them get away with it? Nothing. I need to keep going back and fighting for this."

He growled a little bit sighed. "Fine, but you need to have at least Woozi by your side too. It's too dangerous with just Taehyung-"

"No it isn't. He would protect me with his life as I would do the same." I looked at them all. "I can't back down, please understand I can't and I wont."

"I couldn't be prouder." My mom smiled at me with tears in her eyes. "I full support you, Luna just be safe and have this wonderful man by your side." She looked at Taehyung who smiled and bowed to her.

"I'll never leave her Mrs Park, she means too much to me." Taehyung kissed the top of my head as I grinned.

"LUNA!" I heard shouting from down the hall as the door slammed open revealing all Taehyung's friends along with Woozi.

Woozi came running over to me and hugged me crying. "I thought you were gone! It was poison and you weren't responding! I'm so sorry I shut you out because of you being a lone wolf! I'll never do it again!" He cried in my arms as I laughed.

"Woozi, its okay! I still love you the same idiot." I chuckled as he looked at me and sniffed.


"Of course." I grinned.

"Yah, move aside my turn." Jimin pushed him off as Taehyung gave Jimin a glare before he hugged me. "You had us so worried Luna. So glad you are okay." He held me tightly as he whispered in my hair.

"I'm fine really." I smiled slightly as I saw Taehyung getting irritated with Jimin and huffed sitting down tapping his foot.

Jimin groaned. "Yah, Taehyung I can feel your jealousy. Knock it off, I respect she is yours and you are hers, I'm not some homewrecker you jerk."

"And yet you have touched her more than I have since you been here." Taehyung snapped as I noticed Jimin was still hugging me before he finally backed up.

"Anyway." Namjoon handed me flowers, Jin gave me a teddy bear, Hoseok handed me food and Yoongi gave me balloons. 

"Whats all this for?" I looked at them but smiled.

"Thats what happens when people end up in the hospital." Jungkook laughed giving me letter. "Since you have been out since yesterday, this was ask to be given to you."

I looked at the letter as my eyes widen, it was stamped by the higher up, Choi Siwon. "What the hell?" I mumbled as I opened it and scanned it over when I gasped. "Oh my god!" I squealed jumping up ignoring the pain.

"What whats wrong?" Taehyung hurried to me as I jumped on him wrapping myself around him in excitement.


"What!?" My mom laughed as Chanyeol hugged her.

"Are you serious?!" Taehyung looked at the letter as he hugged me back. "Lu this is huge! No one gets invited unless its for something huge! I'm so proud of you!"

I backed up a little as I smiled at him. "I wouldn't have been able to do it without you."

"What? Of course you would have-"

"No Taehyung. Sure I didn't like the idea of both our species fighting, but falling in love with you was the reason I wanted it to end." I kissed him softly then looked at the guys. "And of course befriending all of you made me want to as well."

"Damn right." Yoongi chuckled.

"I fucking love you." Taehyung smiled pressing our heads together.

I wrapped my arms around his neck as I closed my eyes. "I love you too."


The Hunt(Kim Taehyung/BTS Fanfic) -Completed-Where stories live. Discover now