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"So you and Taehyung are?" Chanyeol looked at me before we arrived to our house.

"Yeah." I nodded sighing. "I'm going to tell dad at dinner so don't tell them, arasseo?"

"I wouldn't do that to you, I stuck up for you remember?" He smiled ruffling my hair as he opened the door.

"Here are my children." Our mother walked up giving our daily kiss on the head as we saw our father sitting in his chair.

"Go get cleaned up, its just us for dinner tonight." He said in a stern voice nodding to the stairs.

We each obeyed going to our rooms as I sighed. He seemed... Off today. Does he know already and is just testing me? Or can he smell Taehyung on me? But then again, he knows I have his blood in my system so that wouldn't be it.

After about an hour our mother called us down for dinner as we all sat down silently. Father was at the head of the table as usual as me and my mother sat on each sides of him while Chanyeol sat next to me. We all started to eat except him, he just stared at the table which made us uncomfortable so we all stopped.

"Yeobo, why aren't you eating?" Mom asked him.

"Simply not hungry." He let out a small chuckle before looking at me. "Luna, anything you want to share with your family, your pack?"

"Actually yes, I do have some news." I cleared my throat as they all looked at me.

My father raised a brow. "You are actually going to have the balls to admit it?"

"What is he talking about Luna?" My mother looked at me with concerned eyes as if she knew what was happening.

"Father, don't be so hard on her-"

"Shut up Chanyeol, this is your sisters time." He snapped at my brother.

"Appa... Please don't be upset with me." I gulped playing with my food.

He slammed his hands on the table. "What do you expect, Park Luna!? You are now dating a bloodsucker! I don't care if he did save your fucking life! He's still a murderer and he will end up killing you just like your sister did!" 

"He isn't like that!" I snapped back. "He's different! He's had so many opportunities to kill me appa, but he never did! Instead he always ended up saving me, healing me because he cares for me! He likes me!"

"He's using you!" He slapped me across the face. " You will get rid of him or you will no longer be my daughter and no longer be a part of this pack!"

"Ani! She can't be a lone wolf-"

"She can and she will if she doesn't obey me!" He growled at my mother as she began to cry silently looking at me.

I looked at Chanyeol who was just looking down ashamed, he feels like he failed as my older brother. My mother was going to be upset about losing her only daughter, one of her pups. 

"Appa." I looked at him. "Do you even love me? Is the packs status more important than your own daughter staying with you? He cares for me, not all vampires are the same. Why can't you just understand that?"

"You thought Shin was your friend and look what he did." He argued. "You are my daughter and of course I love you, but if you choose to love a bloodsucking parasite then I refuse to have you in my pack. Its a disgrace and you are touching a creature who probably drinks peoples blood every night."

"He doesn't!" I shook my head. "Please appa! I don't want to leave, but I'm not leaving him either! I really like him and I think we have a future together! Please, I'm finally happy." I started to tear up as he looked away.

The Hunt(Kim Taehyung/BTS Fanfic) -Completed-Where stories live. Discover now