Man of Mischief

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I DON'T OWN ANY OF THE MARVEL CHARACTERS!!! I have never written a fan fiction about anything but Harry Potter... But Marvel is my second most favorite fandom ever and I LOVE Loki!!!!! This is a Loki love story, and I hope you enjoy!!! :D


I pushed my large, thick-rimmed glasses higher onto the bridge of my nose. They always seemed to be falling down. Then again, they were so heavy and the heat here in New Mexico was so hot, causing me to have a thin sheen of sweat over my skin constantly, it was no wonder they fell. I typed on my laptop furiously.


How are hinge back in Texas? I miss you guys. I'll come visit for Christmas later this year, as always. How's dad? Is he still in the coma? I'm working as hard as I can to do my research. You know that. Can't help but think about him all the time. Hope your doing well, too.

Love your only daughter, Haeley.

I sent the e-mail and stood up, my lips pursed. I've been down here for two years now, working away on my science. Well, there was a difference between what she thought I was doing and what I really was doing. When I came down here after collage, it was to research the stars and planets and stuff. But as we all know, New Mexico is a hot spot for paranormal activity. UFO's and aliens and stuff. So, slowly, I changed to that. Not that my mother knows that. She would freak out.

But I was now fully engrossed in my alien research. Bridges to other dimensions. Realms. And through that, I found a more genetic side. My father has been sick for a year now, and if I could just get some sort of key as to how to help him... Maybe he would be okay again. His problem was with his immune system. It wasn't strong enough, causing him to slip in and of of comas and sickness. But maybe if I could discover some other form of life, I could help him, too.

I heard a few shouts and laughs outside. Glancing over, some of the local men were laughing. I knew them well; they often wet into the diner across the greet that I worked in. Curious, I pushed open the door to my small aprtment/studio and walked across the street. The two men were now inside the diner. I followed after and went up to the bar where they sat. "-up about fifty miles west." One of them said.

"What's about fifty miles west?" I pressed, a sly grin on my face. The two glanced over and, one seeing who I was, chuckled. "Always the curious one, aren't you?" One of them joked. I winked. "Of course. Just wondering about latest town gossip." I replied, leaning against the counter.

"Oh, it's this crashed satirists or something. Stuck in the ground pretty tight. No one can seem to get it out." One of them told me. I rubbed my chin, intrigued. Interesting... A crashed satellite? Stuck in the ground? Perhaps this could lead to a new bit of research for me. I patted the mans shoulder closest to me. "Thanks, buddy. I think I'll check it out."

He reached out and stopped me. "Oh, I wouldn't go down there if I was you. FED's have the place locked down tight." He told me warningly. The FED's? What would they want with a hunk of crashed satellite? Unless it wasn't a crashed satellite. Unless it was of alien origin. I rubbed my hands together and stared off into the open space behind them. "Thanks, boys."

I think maybe I'll go check this "satellite crash" out later.

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