Chapter Fifteen

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PLEASE DON'T GIVE UP ON ME, EVEN THOUGH I DESERVE IT. ANYWAUS, HERE IS THE CHAPTER. There were SOOOO MANY people I wanted to dedicate this chapter to, and here they are: Waveofchaos, rachellovescows, EmilySegler, VolleyKicks, Woman_Of_Mischief, paleolive, Jenny1397, NightsMelody, AwesomeKitteh, Augurywriter, ArtemissherwooD, and JosesLee. YOU ALL MAKE MY WORLD ON WATTPAD AND I LOVE AND APPRECIATE YOU BEYOND WOCIWBCODMXWOFLWIDODKEXNXK. (IM SORRY IF I MISSED ANYONE, IT'S HARD TO KEEP UP WITH ALL UPU LOVELY PEOPLE)

Anyways, here it is. Enjoy the fruits of my labor.


I bit down on my bottom lip nervously, my hands gripping tightly on the metal in my hands. I closed one eye, squinting at I stared forward. Natasha pushed my arm lower, forcing my elbow up. "Keep it steady. Your arrow will go flying if you don't focus." She said dully, and I sighed, owing my eyes for a moment to relax, and nodded. I opened my one eye, keeping my hands as steady as I could manage, and stared at the target, a cut out of a human with serval bullseye target inside. I had to get it together.

Natasha and Tony agreed to help me touch up a bit on my skills, if you could even call them that. So far, I haven't gotten a single arrow in any of the circles. I cleared my throat, putting all of my attention into the target, and did jut what Natasha ordered. Carefully, I pulled the arrow back, keeping it placed just atop my fingers as a placeholder, and and loosened.

The arrow flung out, flying faster than I could watch, and somehow hit the cut out- the outermost circle. Not good at all, but a victory nonetheless. I fist pumped, jeering silently, and Tony slapped my back. "Nice going, kid. You may even kill someone with enough focus." He praised. It freaked me of a little, but I didn't allow it to show. After all, Fury said hat the point for this was not to train me to fight whatever Loki had coming, but for self-defense. Everyone heard the threat he made to me before, and it wasn't taken lightly- especially by Thor.

Natasha rolled her eyes. "She isn't going to kill anyone, Tony. She can barely hit a still target, not to mention a moving one." She noted, and I stilled myself. "Yeah... I don't want to kill anyone, anyways." I agreed. Tony grumbled. "I know, I know- I'm just proud of jailbait, is all." He tussled my hair and I grimaced, backing away.

"I just want to be through this alive." I told them honestly. And perhaps make it out with a shred of my pride and self-confidence. Although, judging by the way they both else's diminishing, I doubted that one. Coming out alive was more probable. Tony leaned against the counter, sipping at his drink (no doubt something alcoholic). "Well, Rock of Ages seems to have his sights set after you. Especially since the brotherly jealousy is surfacing." He chuckled between sips.

I furrowed my brow, turning to look at him. "What is that supposed to mean?" I asked him. Brotherly jealousy? As in? Tony raised an eyebrow at me, setting down his empty glass, and grabbing at the bottle. "You know; Thor's playing with his toy." He said, swinging the bottle around, the brown liquid inside sloshing. Rolling her eyes again, Natasha risky walked over, snatching the bottle from his hands. I yelled over to the counter as well, Tony narrowing his eyes at Natasha, who was putting the drink away. "Specify?" I said, leaning my arms atop the counter.

Tony reached down behind the counter, glass clunking as he rummaged, until pulling of another bottle. "Loki's mad cause Thor has you all to himself and won't let Loki touch." He said without looking up, triumphantly pouring until the glass was full. My eyes widened, and I gave Loki an incredulous look. "You mean to say, you think Loki is envious of Thor? Because he thinks Thor and I are..."

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