Chapter Nine

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A bright light behind my closed eyelids startled me into partial consciousness, though the light soon went dark again. For a few seconds, I relaxed and was about to go back to sleep, but yet again, the light appeared, along with a swoosh of fabric. This happened serval times more, until I lashed out, fed-up. "Who the hell is in my room?!" I exclaimed in a tired, sleepy voice. I felt hot breath against my neck and ear. "Wake up, young pet." The silky voice whispered.

My eyes flew open, pupils quickly adjusting to the light, which was coming from the open drapes of the huge window. Loki. Sat on the edge of my bed, leaning over me with his green eyes, twinkling with future plans of reaping mischief. I sighed, turning over onto my stomach and stretching my hands under the pillow. I arched my back up, popping it, then flopping down contently.

Loki drug his fingertips up my spine huskily, purposely doing so to force another small blush out of me. Luckily, my face was covered by the pillow. "Don't touch me like that, Loki. We've only known each other for barely three days." And yet, it felt like so much longer. Loki chuckled. "And yet, we've stayed at one another's residences, strolled as a couple in the town, and become acquainted enough to sleep in the same bed." He pointed out knowingly.

Well, he wasn't wrong. I grumbled, looking up from my faces position in the pillow that had to be made of something resembling a cloud. This was he best night of my life- I slept like a baby. "Hey, it's not like something happened between us- anyways, I didn't chose for you to sleep in my bed. You just /did/." I reminded him, pushing myself up onto my knees and wrapping the blanket around my shoulders, rubbing my face with both my hands.

"You thoroughly enjoyed it." He accused, a tone of arrogance under toning his voice. I rolled my eyes and shot him a ridiculous look. "Whatever, oh mighty Loki."

He pointed a finger at me. "Dress your self. Unlike Midguard, we do not wake hours after dawn breaks and laze about."

I kicked my feet over the opposite side of the bed, grumbling all the way, and rose to my feet groggily. I took a deep breath, opening up the wardrobe. So many dresses. I looked back to Loki, who sat perfectly, examining his cuticles. "Do I have to wear a dress?" Go be honest, It was getting a little tired. Even my nightgown was a dress- floor length and made of a black material so thin, it was a wonder it wasn't see through. Or maybe it was, and he was just being a pervert.

Loki's eyes shot up, and slowly, a grin crossed his lips. I narrowed my eyes suspiciously. "What are you thinking? I'm not going out there naked." And even though I was joking, I knew Loki may tell me it was that or a dress. But he raised an eyebrow, looking over at me. "What about armor?" He offered. I pursed my lips, actually considering this. Like what he and Sif wore? Maybe I could adapt my own color into it like they had. Maybe purple.

I tapped my chin in thought. "But people will think I'm some warrior girl. I can't fight." Back in school, I got into no fights whatsoever. In fact, I was portrayed as the 'shy' and 'nice' girl most of the time. I guess most people just thought that because all I ever did was read and keep to myself. However, I would presume that walking around in full armor like those who are gods of battle would make me come of as one.

Loki shrugged, standing up from the bed and walking over. "Would you like to learn?" He queried, stopped just in front of me. Me, learn to fight? I guess I could... "Will you be teaching me?" I questioned, seriously considering his offer.

Loki scoffed. "Odin no. I am a master of magic, not brute fighting techniques. Besides; I am a king. I have not time to lolly about, teaching you silly moves." He waved his hand in the air, as if I just asked the dumbest question ever. Magic? I leaned forward, legitimately intrigued now. Ever since he said the word "magic". Back at home, I had always been a big time Harry Potter fan. "Can I learn magic instead?"

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