Chapter Five

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Hey y'all!!! Just wanna say happy early mothers day to everyone!!! I'll Ty and upload tomorrow, at least on Things Better Left Unsaid. I'm gonna go through the Thor movie somewhat fast, and move into The Avengers :)

That's gonna be pretty interesting! :D

And for all y'all out there who have seen The Avengers... IM SORRY BUT AFTE SEEINGTHAT, I CAN'T HELP BUT SHIP THOR AND LOKI!! First slash ever to ship... Can't help it!!! BEST MOVIE EVER (besides Harry Potter :D)!!!! Super epic and a must see!!! Team Loki!!! Also, I'm one of those who adore both Thor and Loki, so it isn't like I'm planning on bashing Thor in this fic. I adore him, he's such a sweetie!!! <3

This fic will get a lot funnier, bt also be romance and dramatic! Hope you like!!!

- Haeley


I walked down the narrow streets, not even completely sure why I went along with this in the first place. Beside me, a slender black cat trotted along.

"What are we doing?" I asked him in a small voice, not wanting the others to see me talking to my cat. "We are taking in the sights of this land." He replied. Even in cat form, he still retained his normal voice. Sightseeing? What did he possibly want to do in this little pit of a town? All there was to see For the next hundred miles in every direction was desert and rock. Now much for a sightseeing quest.

"You know what I would like to see?" I said, a bit of a bounce to my tone. Loki kept moving forward, practically floating, and shrugged. "I do not particularly care."

"I want to see Asgard." I replied, ignoring his rudeness. Loki came to a sudden stop, and I copied his motion, looking down at him. Slowly, he moved his head around,eft then right, before plopping down where he stood. I places my hands on my hips. "Why are we stopping?" I asked him, baffled. He peered over his shoulder at me, a sly and slightly menacing grin on his whispered face. "Just be patient a moment, dear pet." He mewed, green eyes glowing inhumanly.


"Haeley!" Shouted a voice that I was already tired of hearing today. My jaw dropped and I looked back down to Loki, who smiled broadly at me. I jabbed a finger at him accusingly. "You little sneak-!"

"We need to talk." Leo crossed his arms over his chest tightly, his muscular arms pulsing with the one large vein that ran from its start to end. His dirty blonde hair was cropped short, and his fan skin was just a few shades lighter than his murky brown eyes. I sighed, a quick and choppy sound emitting from my slightly parted lips. "Like hell we do." I mumbled, just loud enough for him to hear.

Leo ignored me. "Listen, Haeley; I'm not sure what going on with you right now, but I don't think it's good for us to be together." He huffed. I nearly laughed, my jaw dropping. "I feel the /exact/ same way. In fact, I've already gotten over it."

He clenched his teeth. "Don't come crawling back to me when you regret it, stupid whore." He spat, and I blinked in surprise. I tools shaky breath and Leo stormed off in the other direction, pushing past me. I stood my ground, still as a statue. I couldn't register what happened here. I looked down to where cat-Loki sat, only he wasn't there anymore. I furrowed my brow, my mind now curious to where he got off to, until I felt a hand brush across my shoulder. I jumped in surprise, and a I felt him lean in close to my ear, as he had done earlier in my house. "Watch this."

He dissapeared, and I swiveled around in surprise, only to see his presence gone, only the small particles of sand moving along in the light breeze. I narrowed my eyes, a flash of black catching my eye. I looked over, to see him standing before a few passing by teen girls, two of the five wearing mini skirts. They laughed, moving jut by Loki, who shot me a wicked grin. I watched, shaking my head in disapproval, not that it would help.

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