Chapter Twelve

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As promised, I uploaded today!!! I will not break another promise, y'all!!!! Thanks again SOOOOOO much for reading and leaving so many spectacular comments below!!! It makes my day and it helps me get more pumped abot writing new chapters!!! Thanks for the motivation, and keep it up please!!

Also, yesterday I had a lot of time on my hands... So I made my own little Loki doll!!! LOL it's adorable! I stitched and stuffed him with love

I'll pose a picture of him on the side --->

As always, vote comment fan, and thanks to everyone who does!!!


As soon as the thundering- literally -noise of landing feet sounded, I ran outside, ahead of everyone else. The first thing I noticed about him was that he was ridged, his expression caught somewhere in between rage and sorrows. I ran straight up to him, stopping an inch away from his hard posture. "How could you just leave me here, Thor?" I demanded.

Thor shook his head. "Midguard is not a safe haven for you right now." He replied gruffly, pressure seizing his voice. He tried to move past me, but I grabbed a hold of his arm and latched on. He had the strength to jut bat me off like a fly, but stopped and looked back to me. "I want to go home, Thor. You can't deny me that." I said intently, my glare on him intense.

"I cannot purposely place you in danger. Loki has lost himself. He's fighting those who he once swore to protect." As Thor spoke, his face fell into a deep frown, and I knew that Loki must have done something terrible to him. I felt bad about pushing him like this, but I couldn't just sit up here. And, I would never admit it, but I wanted to see him again. "There are others, too! Tony Stark, and Natasha Romanoff, and Clint-"

"They are Avengers, Haeley. They have suitable forces against Loki." He argued. And, of course, I knew he was right. But inside, there was a small part of me that knew Loki wasn't all bad. Maybe. And that perhaps, he remembered me. He had felt what I did before. Nevertheless, that was the little girl part of me speaking, and I could need trust her. "I don't have to fight- I'll stay away!" I claimed, quickly becoming desperate. My hand gripped on tighter to his arm, the skin whitening over my fist. The negativity and anger in his eyes dimmed a bit, and I felt myself melt with hope. "Please don't leave me here." I whispered.

His resistance broke, and he closed his eyes, letting out a deep breath through his nose. He waited a moment, silent, before opening his eyes. "As long as you swear to stay away from him." He said, his tone serious and warning. I knew how hard core this was, and if I got anywhere near Loki, I would earn myself a one way ticket straight to Asgard. I nodded vigorously, hoping I could keep my promise. I would have to be careful; then again, who's to say I can't wait for him to come to me?

Thor put his hand over mine, and I loosened my grip, letting his pull my hand away. I smiled lopsidedly at him. "I'll go get my things together- don't leave without me."

Thor nodded, and I ran off to my room. Once there, I pulled out my old tote and threw it onto my bed. I still had some old things in there- some papers, a few pens, and one spare pair of clothes, still neatly folded. I never even touched them. Taking a deep breath, I pulled them of and put them on, tossing the dress onto the floor in a crumpled heap. Six weeks ago, I wouldn't be caught dead in that unless I was off to some fancy ball. Nowadays, it seemed to be all I wore. I felt as if I was a completely different person now, a whole different me, and my life before was just a fuzzy haze. Though only just over a month ago I was a semi-normal girl in a small town, it seemed like years. I suddenly felt as it the whole time I was here, I was drugged, under something. Not something bad, but good- like I was high on life.

I glanced over to my wardrobe, the dark purple of my armor peeking out. I hit my lip. If Thor saw that, he may think I had ulterior plans to go against my word and find Loki, fight. Sure, that wasn't the plan, but that didn't mean I couldn't bring it... Right? I didn't have to jump into battle and go after Loki just because I'm bringing it. Maybe I'll just have it as a souvenir, or because it makes me look badass.

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