Chapter Four

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Mouth slightly agape, I took the seat again. I managed to peek over my shoulder at Loki, where he was still standing, nonchalant and sly attitude to him. I looked back to the man. "It seems as if everyone decided to breech security tonight." He sighed, a frustrated edge to his tone. Behind me, Loki chuckled lightly.

"I... Well, I was conducting a scientific analysis." I replied. It wasn't like I had been the one to severely beat up all his men, crash his tent, and cause all the trouble here. I just snuck in silently and touched the hammer. But he seemed to be previously unsettled, which wasn't good for me at all. He sighed, closing his eyes momentarily and putting his hand to his forehead. "This area is off limits to civilians, therefore you are breaking the law." He snapped.

I frowned. This guy was taking way too much heart to this. "What are you going to do, throw me in prison-"

"There are a number of things, but prison seems good enough." He interjected. I stared at him, open-mouthed. Terror slowly creeped through me. Was he seriously threatening to throw me in jail, and for something so petty? What had thy done to the other guy?

The door opened, cutting off my thoughts. I kept my head down, mulling over what I was going to do. What I would tell my mother. 'yeah, mom, I trespassed into some Federal security area and touched a hammer. So I'm in prison. Bail me out?'. I don't think she would take too well to this. And my research soul all be over. All my hard work... Poof. Gone. And I didn't even get anything out of it.

I felt a light hand on my shoulder, and I looked up. Staring down at me was Loki, his green eyes flickering with mischief. "Yes, I'll get her home safely. She won't run loose again." I could hear the sarcasm and mockery in his tone, but I chose to hold my bitter tongue- for now. He was doing me a huge favor, and I couldn't afford not to take it.

The man looked hesitant and reluctant, but moved out of the way. "I hope not. She's committed a serious crime." He scolded lightly. Loki smiled, an undertone of sadistic humor laying beneath. "Oh, I wot let this one out of my sights for a long, long time." He promised. I wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing, at his point.

I stood, ushered up by Loki, and he proved me out of the room. Once outside, undecided it was safe enough to talk in a low whisper, despite the nearby personnel. "Why did you do that?" I asked quietly.

Without looking at me, he said; "What sort of master would I be of I allowed my pet to remain in a facility such as this?" He swept one pale hand around the place. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. Pet? But I couldn't afford to talk back right now, so I bit my tongue. "Where are we going, exactly?"

Loki glanced at me. "Your abode shall suffice."

Once we got to me place, I felt the shyness and uncertainty creep in. He was at my house. Loki, Norse God of Mischief, at /my/ house. But I wasn't as worried about impressing him as I was about him doing something terrible. Maybe I could just get my answers and get him the heck out of here. I tossed my car keys onto the wooden table. "So, what are you doing here on earth?" I queried.

Loki ignored me, roaming around the place, taking in its scenery. I eyed him suspiciously. Every now and then, he would pick something up and toss it around in his hands, then carelessly put it back down, continuing on his way. "What unattractive living quarters you have." He muttered.

I pursed my lips and growled. "Hey, this is pretty good for me. Besides; I'm no 'God of Mischief'. I don't have bed sheets made of the finest silk and five-star meals at the snap of my fingers." I retorted. He chuckled, back turned to me. "Oh, what an amusing pet I have. I think perhaps I shall bring you to Asgard one day." Although the idea thrilled and excited me, I couldn't help but sense the anger and irony in his tone.

It got me a bit curious. "What is it like, in Asgard?" I resumed, pushing aside his underscoring rage. The act seemed to work, because he visa my cooled down a bit. "It's the most majestic and wonderful place that has ever existed. The streets are paved gold, castles tofu the heavenly skies, and the citizens are not as juvenile and boorish as here." He said in a silky voice. Images of the picturesque place filled my head. Golden streets and castles that reach the heavens? It sounded like something only the most beautiful fairy tale could hold. Nothing that could ever actually /exist/.

"Sounds amazing." I breathily said, a dreamy state to my tone. He smirked. "It is the place of both dreams and of strength. We are the most powerful of all nine realms." He was proud saying so. I felt compelled to ask if I could perhaps go there... But, then again, he could jut be lying to me jut to see my reaction, humoring me in a way.

"So why come here, to this 'boorish' and 'juvenile' place? Why leave Asgard?" If I lived in a place as epic as that, I would /never/ leave. Then again, he's been there for thousands of years. I suppose a little traveling is necessary. But compared to Earth, how bad could the other realms be? Loki shrugged, seeming indifferent. Or maybe he just wasn't really paying attention. "I had... /business/ to attend to."

He was obviously hiding something, but I didn't want to push my luck. "Are there other Gods, besides you?"

Loki snorted. "That is indeed a stupid question." He said, aristocracy and knowledge dripping from his words. I rolled my eyes. "Okay, do you know any others?"

"Still, an irrelevant and pointless query." He breathed. I clenched my teeth, about to lash out with some witty comeback, when the phone rang. I gave Loki an aggravated look, to which he smirked and picked up my grandmothers old glass bowl (it once help potpourri, or something like that). I trotted to my cell phone, and snatched it up off the table. I pressed the answer button. "Hello?"

"Haeley! I've been trying to get a hold of you." A half worried and half agitated. Life came from the other line. I peered over at Loki from the corner of my eye, and found him staring at me from the corner of his. I huffed, turning my back to him. "Sorry Leo, I was out." I murmured.

"Well, you could have texted me!" He scolded. I growled,

A low sound meant for only me. "I left my phone here." I replied. Leo was my... Well, I suppose you could call him my boyfriend. Although, I'm pretty fed up with him. Loki laughed heartily behind me, and there was a small pause on the line. "Is there someone with you?" He asked, his voice incredulous. I face palmed, shaking my head. "Yeah."

The line suddenly went fuzzy, and it sounded almost like a radio wave came in. Through the static, I heard Leo shout. I felt Loki abruptly at my side, his hand around my waist and his chin on my shoulder. The interference came to a sudden stop. "Come back to bed, dear." He whispered seductively in my ear, the sound and words sending a chill down my spine.

Now he's done it. "What?! Back to /bed/?! What the fuck, Haeley?!" He screamed, enraged and in shock. I growled again, pulling the phone from my ear and clutching it even tighter in mu grasp. This time, I groaned louder and with an obvious anger. After a second, I put the phone back to my ear. "Leo, he's just being an ass. I'm not sleeping with him." I assured him, not that it did the thrown out man any good. "Yeah, right! I can't fucking /believe/ this!"

"You'll watch your tone with a lady, boorish fool." Snapped Loki angrily, his teeth bared. It actually kind of scared me. I pulled the phone away again, this time clicking the off button with a dire need of silence. I turned to Loki, who looked now calm and revere, as of nothing had even happened. "You know what, Loki? Thanks. Thanks a lot." I tossed the phone onto the table again, storming off.

I entered my room, slamming the door behind me and pressing my back to it. When I looked forward, Loki was perched on my bed, perfect posture and examining me. "You humans are so rage-filled. It's not as amusing." he said wispily. I groaned and stormed Ito the bathroom attached, shitting and locking it behind me. Loki was atop the counter, legs crossed at the ankles and one eyebrow raised. "Are you unable to catch on, even after so much? You cannot simply lock me out of your chambers. It doesn't work that way."

I opened my mouth to shout at him, when the oddest thing occurred: he turned into a cat. It wasn't like a 'poof I'm a cat' thing, but a few seconds long transformation. In the end, he was just an average-sized, thin black cat, green eyes glowing. He blinked at me. "Come along now, young Haeley- we've got places to be."

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