Chapter Six

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I felt myself fuzzily coming into consciousness. It still felt dark around me, so it couldn't be too early. Blinking a few slow times, the first thing my groggy eyes set on was the splayed black hair of Loki. It took me by surprise, until I remembered what had happened yesterday and who he was. I took a deep breath through my nose, closing my eyes again. Still really tired. I didn't even feel up to necking the time on the digital alarm clock on the nightstand behind me, afraid I may lose my concert able position on the bed.

Loki looked fairly peaceful. Maybe he wasn't so bad after all. I shut off all thoughts and slowed my. Featuring to a steady, shallow pace, sleep washing back over me.

The next time my eyes opened, Loki was still there, but he had moved from facing me to curled up into nearly a ball shape, and I got a face up of his ebony hair, tickling my nose and cheeks. I shifted, stretching a bit, and turned over my shoulder to check the time. Nine AM. I extended my arms over my head, popping my back, and sighed. That ever ceased to feel amazing every morning.

I was on my side, facing the man, and tucked my bottom arm under the pillow, the coldness touching my fresh skin. With my free hand, I reached over and prodded Loki's shoulder. He didn't move. I moved my hand to his cheek, tapping it lightly. I never had to wake people up, but when I did, I made sure I was awkward with it. "C'mon, Loki. Wake up." I said tiredly.

Loki finally moved, stretching his legs down and moving his face up closer to mine. "Leave me be, woman." He ordered in a sluggish voice. I moved back a bit, his proximity making me uncomfortable. I shook his shoulder. "Sorry Loki, but here in this world, we have a schedule to keep. No sleeping in past nine on weekdays." I was pretty lucky, having a self-run business. I didn't have to get up at five or six AM for a job, though I did work at the diner part time in the afternoons.

Loki pushed me away with surprising strength, and I nearly tumbled off the side of the bed. Then again, what should I expect from a God? "Leave me /be/, I say. If I wake, I will leave here." Loki growled. That last part caught me. Leave?as in leave my house, or as in leave my planet? I sat up. "Return to Asgard, you mean?"

Loki's eyes opened, his frustration showing. I guess Gods get to sleep as late as they wish in Asgard. "Yes, foolish girl. I am king, after all." He snapped. I gulped so loud my ears popped. "King...?!" I've been dealing with both a God /and/ a king? Loki grumbled, siting up and running his groggy eyes. I nearly forgot he was shirtless until the blankets fell from his body, revealing a body fit for no less than a God.

"I've stayed here longer than I should have, anyways. I must return to my kingdom." He told me without looking over. I felt a little disappointed. Somehow, I thought that maybe I would get more answers out of all this. He may be a pain in the butt, but he was pretty interesting. I could already collect some useful data from him. The particular accent, the old English type speech, the way they dress... He looked like he was somewhere between throne-lounging attire and his battle-ready suit. Maybe they waged war often? Was he a military ruler? Did they have a monarchy or a dictatorship?

I still had so much to ask. "Will you be back?" The question slipped of before I realized how it could be taken. I covered my mouth with one hand, and Loki raised one black eyebrow at me. "Perhaps." He replied stealthily. I looked away, jumping up off the bed and walking out of the room, barefoot.

I trotted into the kitchen, feeling peckish. Not that I cooked very often- I wasn't the best chef, really -But anything to distract me from nearly-naked-Loki would do just fine. Maybe a well-cooked meal would pursues him to stay a bit longer, answer a few mind-boggling questions of mine. I opened the fridge door, bending down, and tubes out the small carton of eggs, stacking a container of deli meat (ham) on top, cheese, and some veggies.

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