Chapter Three

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Yay! Another new chapter! Yay Loki! So I'm pretty excited abot this story still, but I've been string no responses to it ;-;

I would adore it if y'all left me comments and stuff, or even sent me an inbox! I wanna know what y'all are thinking and what y'all want to see in the story! Who's y'alls fevorite Marvel hero or villain and would you like to see them in the story? What do you think will happen or want to? I'm open to everything! I am writing for all my fans and readers, after all :D

I'm gonna try my best to fit in Loki's quiet, logical demeanor, but his more dominant insane, crazy, mischievous, outlandish, plotting side, too. I want the perfect Loki in this story!!

Anyways, enjoy!


I sat alone inside of a room, with plain walls and just that single chair inside. The one I sat on; hard and metal and foldable. I angrily crossed my arms, leaning backwards in my seat and staring at the ceiling with narrowed eyes. This was just great- what a typical thing to happen to me.

I sighed over dramatically. "What the hell just happened?" I asked aloud, my voice quiet.

"Shall I explain?"

I jumped yet again, caught off guard by this sudden voice. The door was just to my right and I could see it, so I would know if someone would have come inside. And, to my knowledge, no one had. Well, at least that's what I thought. I turned in my chair and nearly fell backwards. Out of everything that happened today, I wasn't surprised when I fell into the deep pit-like eyes of the man by the doorway.

But I was fed up, and I'm through with playing games, walking in circles with his guy. He was seriously beginning to piss me off. "I am /so/ done with the games today, man." I sighed, exasperated. He raises a brow at my tired person, twisted at the hip to face him. "That is certainly no way to speak to someone of the stature of myself." He replied, an edge to his tone.

"And what kind of stature is that?" I pressed. He sure did talk like some sort of royal, not to mention look like one. He had an attitude, too. He suddenly moved forward, until he was standing jut a foot away. "I am a God. Therefore, you, as a mere insignificance mortal, are below me."

I scoffed. Right. I think the guys from before may have made a mistake on who to send to the looney bin. But this wasn't my most daring moment to argue with a guy who most likely held twice as much strength as me and was almost a foot taller. So, I went with the safer questions. "Why can't the other guys see you?"

He smirked. "As a God, I obtain powers beyond what you can fathom. One includes invisibility to mortals like yourself." He then gave me a once-over. "Which is curious to me, seeing as you /are/ a mortal." He added, a new perspective in his voice. A God... Maybe I have stumbled upon alien activity here. Sure, he looked like your average human, but invisibility wasn't your average human ability. And his accent was odd- one I had never heard before. This could actually be pretty interesting. And he had said something before about "realms".

I leaned forward, more intrigued than upset now. "And what realm are you from? What are your people called?"

He looked down on me and tisked, wagging his finger and still smirking. "Tisk tisk, now don't try and get answers out of me. I come first." He chastised lightly, a playful yet sinister grim still plastered across his face. I rolled my eyes. What arrogance. "Fine," I waved my hand as it to bat away a fly. "but I get to ask the questions when your done, deal?" I held of my hand to him.

He stared at my outstretched hand as if he was clueless on what I was doing. When nothing happened for a few seconds, he curled his lip verbal slightly and looked up from my hand at me. "What in Odin's name am I expected to do with that?" He demanded with stone of distaste. I shrugged, his tone not phasing me. "You shake it. It's a sign that two people have come to an understanding." I explained, a tired lace to my voice.

He curled his lip. "No." He sneered, his tone dead-panning. Rolling my eyes again, I took my hand back. "Whatever. But you had better keep your end. I ask all my questions when your finished asking yours." I pointed my finger at him. His smirk returned. "I shall not break our compromise." He responded, his hand up, palm facing me in an oath gesture. I stood, turning my chair around to face him. I sat back down, sighing in mild defeat, and crossed my arms and ankles. "Okay, go for it."

"You claim you are of mortal, human dissent, yet you are able to see and heard me as clearly as if you were not. Why is that?"

I shrugged. "I seriously have no idea. As far as I know, there isn't anything special about me." I replied honestly. I'm just your average country girl, born and raised in a small Texan town. Well, I'm also somewhat of an alien tracker of you will. A scientist. I guess I swerved off the normal path a while ago.

"Hmmm," He hummed to himself, thinking this through. At last, he seemed to accept this. "Alright, what are you called by others?"

His odd way of saying things confused me for a moment, before I finally figured out that he was asking me my name. "Right," I breathed, "my name is Haeley Green." I told him. I suppose that I I'm going to be interrogating this guy for celestial life information and data, possibly even taking samples off him (no that it looks too probable in the future), I would have to learn his way of speaking. I could get over the accent, but the real challenge was putting together this old English way of speaking. I took a Shakespearian class in college, not that it really helped. I guess I could put some of that to use here, though.

"Haeley Green..." He repeated, staring off as if to get a feel for it. "What is your blood status?"

That was just an odd question, and one I really had no idea to answer. "Umm... I think I'm A Positive..."

He grimaced. "No, you fool, of what dessert are your ancestors?" He reworded in simpler terms. I pursed my lips; he didn't have to be so mean about it. "Im German and American." I responded halfheartedly. I didn't see why any of these questions were relevant or why it even mattered. How was he piecing together all this information about me in his head right now?

Before I could ask, he went on. "And how many here have you existed?"

"I'm twenty." My birthday had just passed about a month ago. I wonder how old he was? If he was a God like he had claimed, then surely he had to be ancient. Thousands of years old. However, he looked no older than his late twenties or early thirties. I wet my lips and took a breath, the new question causing too much curiosity for me to bare. Between this and what type of "God" he was, I was in need of information. I do think I can wait until he was finished with his pointless questioning. "How old are you?" I asked quickly.

He gave me a dubious look before cracking a grin. "I lost count after a few thousand. Somewhere around five or six." He told me. I nearly fell out of my chair. "Five of six /thousand/?!" I repeated, my voice going high. He chuckled, nodding. "Aye."

I stood up suddenly, watching him. I'm in the presence of a man over five thousand yeas old. "This is... Amazing. I can't believe it..."

I think that maybe I had just fueled his already oversized ego, but I was too overwhelmed with all of it to care. "What kind of God are you?" I pressed on, forgetting all about our little deal. I needed to know more. And perhaps my boosting of his ego made him not care about his remaining questions anymore, because he actually answered me. "I am Loki, God of Mischief." He boomed. Mischief... Yes, I could defiantly see that. But what luck, to be stuck with the man who defines mischief.

I rubbed the underside of my chin with the back of my hand, staring at the floor. "Hmmm," I thought to myself, "so where did you come from?"

As soon as his devilish smirk returned, I knew that I had run out of luck getting more out of him. "Tut, tut. Patience, my pet. I shan't explain further until I decide you are worthy."

Worthy? How is he expecting to decide that? Yet, knowing that I'll be in his company for longer thrilled me. I wold learn so much, maybe even things that no one else on Earth ever has before. I could discover all new things, be famous in the name of science!

I must have blanked out, because the next thing I knew, a man had entered the room. He was more tailored and had a air of confidence, but didn't seem as burly and rough as the other men around here. More logical and buisness-like. I stated at him a moment, and he gestured to the chair I had just abandoned. "Take a seat."

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