chapter 10

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"Uh, Monsters Inc." Ashton answered, popping a chip into his mouth.

"What? No way! Toy Story, is like, the pride and joy of Disney." Calum protested.

"I don't know, the idea that my toys plot plans and talk behind my back kind of weirds me out." Ashton shrugged. He leaned back against his poster covered wall, watching Calum fidget a few feet away at the foot of his bed. They'd been in Ashton's room for a few hours, talking and playing video games. Strange to think that they were virtual strangers a few hours ago.

"And monsters having their own world and running their homes off of children's screams doesn't weird you out?"

"Not at all." Ashton said smugly.

Calum sighed, knowing he couldn't win. He stared around the room, posters strung everywhere, a drum set in the corner, a desk littered with papers and papers taped above the desk. Calum squinted his eyes, trying to make out the small writing on the papers, before making his way over to the small desk. He touched a piece of paper on the wall and recognized his own handwriting.

Dear Ashton,                                                          December 23, 2013

No, I do NOT have a crush on my science teacher. Even though she has the best ass I've seen in my life.

My mom is currently about to take away my XBox, guess why?

I'm failing science.

Wonder why.

99% positive I'm getting a new phone for Christmas. Selfie skills = upgraded.

Merry Early Christmas, buddy!


Smiling, Calum let the piece of paper fall back against the wall. He flipped around, seeing Ashton still hadn't moved from the head of the bed, nose buried in his phone. Calum never got that new phone.

Seeing Ashton distracted like that, gave Calum the chance to look at him. To really look at him. Golden curls swooping over his forehead, some tucked behind a bandana, hazel eyes glistening in the escaping sunlight from the windows. A smile as wide as a joker's and skin like a god. Calum couldn't deny the fact that he was attractive. More than attractive. He was gorgeous.

Calum cleared his throat, breaking his thoughts. "You keep my letters?"

"Of course," Ashton said peeking over his phone, "Don't you?"

"Duh. I thought I was just being sentimental and weird, though."

Ashton laughed, taking it upon himself to tease the boy. "Caly's a mushball."

"Shut up." Calum laughed.




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