day 1

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"Now this, my Calum, is day one of our thirteen day extravaganza! I have absolutely nothing planned! Any ideas?" Ashton chirped, walking backwards facing the raven haired boy.

Calum looked around - the sidewalk under him, the extraordinary blue above him, the vibrant greens from the park to his side, the attractive boy to his front. Nothing came to mind. "Uh, I'm not really sure. We could have a picnic or something?"

"Bo-ring!" Ashton said, almost tripping over his own feet.

"You should really stop walking backwards, ya know. You could die or something." Calum warned.

"'You could really die or something.'" Ashton mocked, using the little talking hand thing.

Calum rolled his eyes. "You were a lot nicer in letters, ya know."

"'You were a lot nicer in letters, ya know.' Well, Calum, if I had been this rude in my letters, would you have continued talking to me?" Ashton asked, adjusting the bandana on his head.

"Probably not."

"Ahh, see, now you have an emotional attachment to me and you can't leave."

"You're a cocky little shit, aren't you?" Calum concluded, crossing his arms over his white bro tank.

"Who you calling a little shit?" Ashton asked, purposely making his voice deeper and flexing his arms. Calum kept his cool, even though he wanted to pounce him on the spot.

"Do you see anyone else in this area that I would call a little shit?" It was true, no one was around. It looked like a ghost town.

"Yourself, maybe." Ashton shrugged.

"Do you honestly think I would insult myself?" Calum asked as they rounded a corner. Calum turned to look over his shoulder, when he was pushed against a red brick wall, the side of a bakery to be exact. He looked to see who the culprit was, when he saw Ashton grinning as he had him pinned.

"Who you calling a little shit now?"

"Still you. You're like, two inches shorter." Calum giggled.

"Two inches of mighty fury." Ashton furrowed his eyebrows.

"That made absolutely no sense." Calum laughed, but was cut short by Ashton when he pressed his lips against his. Their mouths worked together, and Calum's hands found their way to Ashton's hair even though he was still pinned to the wall. He tugged at the roots of his soft, brown hair and unattached their lips.

Calum smiled, tickling Ashton's underarm. Ashton let out a roar of laughter and gave Calum the opportunity to switch their positions against the wall.

"Awh, the big bad boy is ticklish." Calum mocked.

"I bet you're ticklish, too." Ashton pouted.

Calum rolled his eyes. "You wouldn't know."

Ashton's mood flickered, and he moved his lips close to Calum's ear. "I could easily find out." His voice was gravelly, and gave Calum utter chills.

"Can you not." Calum said in a high pitched tone, attempting to mock common teenage girls.

"That reminds me of a joke. Why do white girls always travel in odd numbers?" Ashton asked, leaning against the wall. Calum raised an eyebrow.


"Because they can't even." Ashton laughed.

Calum admired Ashton's laugh - it was so... vibrant. It could probably cure diseases.

"You're cute when you laugh."

"You sound like my mum." Ashton groaned.

"Your mum says you have a cute laugh?"

"Doesn't yours?"

"Not really."

"Well, I'm sorry your mother doesn't notice that you have a lovely laugh." Ashton apologized.

"She doesn't see a lot of things." Calum grumbled.

"Well she probably doesn't want to see certain things."

"What kind of things?"

"Oh I don't know. Maybe things like this," Ashton reconnected their lips, cupping Calum's jaw with his hand. He placed dozens of kisses on the side his hand wasn't on and Calum's breath hitched in his throat.

"Nope she probably wouldn't want to see this," Calum agreed.

Ashton nodded his head, sucking on the sweet spot behind Calum's ear.

Calum let out a moan. "Aren't we supposed to be on an adventure, A-Ashton?"

"And this isn't adventurous? We're exploring each other's bodies, ya know." His teeth grazed Calum's ear lobe.

"That was cheesy." Calum criticized, his fingers finding a place in Ashton's hair, pulling the curls.

"But you are right. I was thinking about this little place I want to show you - it has the best food."


"You have abnormally long fingers, you know that right?" Calum recognized, touching Ashton's fingers over the table.

"I've had them for 19 years, Cal, I think I know." Ashton laughed.

"Just thought I'd share that."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you want anything else? I'm paying." Ashton said, pulling out his wallet to pay for the meal.

"Well, I'm going to pay for my meal." Calum objected.

"Calum, you are a guest here in my dear, sweet Australia, and I will pay for the food you ingested from my dear, sweet Australia." Ashton raised an eyebrow, walking to the cash register.

Calum sighed. He really is a piece of work.


I love writing Cashton bc their relationship would probably be so carefree and light and sexual and I love it



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