day 13 {ashton's pov}

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Thank you to Ashleigh (arctichemmo) for the new cover I love it agh

I swallowed the dregs at the bottom of the coffee mug. I sat the glass down, and groaned, as I saw the 7:10 on my alarm clock.

I didn't sleep last night. Hopped up on caffeine, I was up all night planning on what I would say to Calum today. What I would say when I finally see his beautiful face for the first time in days. When I smell his scent, hold his hand, and kiss his cheeks. This had to be special.

I stood from my seat and made my way to my closet, picking a black pair of skinny jeans and my Jimi Hendrix shirt. I slipped the clothes on and walked to my attached bathroom. I fixed my hair (meaning I just ran my fingers through it) and brushed my teeth.

I left my room and entered the kitchen where my mother stood, looking at the newspaper and sipping coffee. Her eyes glanced over the paper and she sat her coffee down.

"Morning, Ashy." She greeted, planting a kiss on top of my head. I smiled and opened the fridge, searching for something to eat.

"Breakfast is on the table." She said picking her paper back up.

"Thanks mum." I sat at the table and looked at the bowl of soggy cereal. (A/N I eat my cereal soggy lmao)

"Can I use the car today?" I said, chewing a bite.

She nodded, taking another sip. "Course. What for?"

"Gonna go see Calum today." I explained.

She nodded her head approvingly. "Ah, my oldest son finally grows the pair of balls he needed. Good luck and have a good day!" I rolled my eyes and she laughed before putting her mug in the sink, her feet slapping against the tiled floors, probably on her way to the shower.

I stood, leaving the bowl uneaten and grabbed the car keys from the island. I ran out the front door, yelling that I was leaving, and opened the car door. The sun beat down on me, already causing sweat to form at the base of my neck.

I got in the car, the leather seats making me jump at the heat and started it. The engine sputtered before shutting off completely. I shrugged it off, before putting the key in the ignition again. The engine turned over and stopped once again.

"No no no nope, nope, not happening, not today, not right now." I pounded my hand on the steering wheel.

I tried once more to no avail. "FUCKING HELL STUPID FUCKING CAR FUCK FUCK!"

I leaned my forehead on the wheel, resting it on the hot material.

I began to think. We have no car now. Calum's hotel is on the other side of town. I would at least sweat to death if I attempted to walk.

It has to be at least 100° out right now.

I began to look on the brightside, when I heard a plane soaring through the air above me.

Quirking an eyebrow, I fished my phone out of my pocket to see where the nearest airport was. Turns out a ten minute walk from my house.

I began to hatch a plan as I searched for the number of a flower company as well.




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