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(Liza's POV)
I wake up before my alarm. UGH. I opened my phone, it was 5 AM, I was looking on my Instagram.
' [@ lizakoshy] @ daviddobrik followed you '
I clicked on his username, I saw everyone else had Instagram so I followed them too. I decided to get up quietly and get ready for school, I got dressed into a shirt with horoscopes printed in the front, ripped jeans and back canvas shoes. I did my makeup and decided to braid my hair. I put on a gold necklace that my mum got me for my birthday and a few rings, I went into the kitchen and quietly made myself breakfast. It was now 6:15 am.


After 2 hours of YouTube I get a text from David.
From: David 😊
D: hey. I'm leaving my place now, be there in 10.
L: K. See you soon :)
D: :)
(End of convo)
I see Davids car pull up. I say goodbye to my parents. I open the car door.
"Hey" I get in.
"Hi. Sleep okay?" He asks.
"Eh. Woke up an hour before my alarm.. you?"
"Meh okay"
"So.. do you have any siblings?" I ask.
"Yeah. I have three younger siblings. Ester, Sara and Toby" I nod.
"Nah I'm an only child" we arrive at school and I get out.
"thanks for the lift" I smile.
"No problem" he smiles too. We walk together into school and everyone is at my locker.
"OOO Diza is real!" Gabbie calls out.
"Shut up!" I reply and smile and david rolls his eyes. I get my books out.
"Liza. I'm having a party this weekend wanna come?" Zane asks.
"I can pick you up?" David asks and I nod.


After boring lessons and given assignments I walked to the cafeteria by myself. I get a wrap from the lunch line and sit at our table.
"Hey". I say.
"Hey" everyone says.
"What do you have next?" Kristen asks.
"I have Art next with David" I say.
"Ooo" Gabbie says and I roll my eyes.


David and I walk out of art class, we walk to his car.
"So what time do you want to pick me up?" I ask.
"730?" I nod and we get in the car.
"Ill pick you up tomorrow?" He asks and I nod.


David drops me off and I walk inside. I see my parents sitting at the table.
"Hey" I put my back pack down.
"Elizabeth, please sit down" my mother says, it must be serious.
"Is everything okay?" I ask.
"Liza, your mother and I..are getting a divorce" my father says with no emotion.
"We just need to seperate.." My parents kept talking but I didnt listen, I got up and went to my room. I slammed my door and I broke down straight away. I look through my contacts, I text David.
L: Can you come pick me up :(
D: Are you okay?
L: Ill tell you in person. Meet me down the street.
D: Okay.
(End of convo)
I change into a large hoodie and leggings. I climb out my window and walk down the street, I see davids car.
"Hey" I get in and wipe my tears away.
"Liza, are you okay?"
" parents are getting a divorce" I close my eyes.
"Im sorry" he says quietly and he..hugs me. I hug him back, he holds me for a while and I feel safe and happy. I pull away and look up at him and he gives me a reassuring smile. We drive to a frozen yoghurt place.


David drives me home and I say goodnight to him. I climb back inside through my window, change into my pyjamas and go to sleep.


I wake up to my alarm, I roll over and shut it up. I unlock it and its 6am, I check my social media and realise its Friday. I get out of bed and have a shower, I pick out my grey crop to jumper, black leggings and black boots. I straighten my hair and do my make up. I walk into the kitchen and have a bowl of cereal. I see my mother walk in as I finish, without saying anything I put my bowl in the sink and go wait for david in my room.
David texts me, hes here. I grab my bag and walk out to his car.
"Hey" I get in.
"Hey, how are you feeling?"
"better" I smile at him and he does too.
We get to school and we walk to my locker together. it was 8 am so there wasnt many people here. He helps me with my books.
"What do you have?" He asks.
"History, with Gabbie. You?"
"Math, with Zane and Carly" I nod and we walk to a bench.
(Davids POV)
I need to say something to Liza, I like her a lot.. I want her to be my girlfriend. Seeing her last night, I felt bad for her. I dont know if she even likes me? Im falling for her..
(Lizas POV)
I want to tell him. I want to tell him I like him more than friends, I feel so safe when Im with him and he makes me happy. He probably wouldnt like me back, we haven't known each other that long and what if it ruins our friendship? Im falling for him..

AN: Awe another unedited chapter. Enjoy anyway, a lil' sad but diza is coming soon! Ill also write about the others and update a lot probably lol.
Vote ~
Enjoy! X

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