I Just Hope

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[David's POV]
I wake up, but.. its still darkness. Im in a coma. What if I die? What about Liza? My friends? Fuck..I was in an accident, wait that text.. 'you should be slowing down. Guess not' what the fuck? Who would do that? Who would hate me? Jake? No he wouldn't, yeah he likes Liza but he wouldn't murder someone? God I have to wake up..


[Liza's POV]
I wake up, I feel dizzy. I check my phone and its 5:56 am, my heart feels like its been shredded, I just hope that David is okay I get out of bed and have a cold shower, I get changed and I don't bother with makeup. I skip breakfast and go straight to the hospital. I wish this was a dream.
"Hi" the desk lady says.
"Hi, could I please go to David Dobrik's room?"
"Yes you can wait there, he will be going into surgery in an hour though" I nod and walk to his room. I walk in and he looks worse than yesterday, he's a lot more pale and he-he looks..dead.

"D-David I don't know if you can hear me but, I love you. Y-your going to have surgery in about an hour and everything will be fine, I just wanted to say thank you for the past two months, Im sorry for our fights, Im sorry for the tears and Im just sorry. I really hope that your accident was just an accident and not on purpose, I miss you right now and I need you.. I-I don't think I could live without you.. I'd miss you too much and I don't think I could ever move on from you. I love you so much David and I don't think I could live without you.. Please wake up David, Please" I begin to break down, I hope that he doesn't hear me right now, its not good for either of us.
[David's POV]
I hear someone walk in, I wish I could wake up! I want to see Liza, at least for one last time.. I hear them sit down next to me and hold my hand. Its Liza.

"D-David I don't know if you can hear me but, I love you. Y-your going to have surgery in about an hour and everything will be fine, I just wanted to say thank you for the past two months, Im sorry for our fights, Im sorry for the tears and Im just sorry. I really hope that your accident was just an accident and not on purpose, I miss you right now and I need you.. I-I don't think I could live without you.. I'd miss you too much and I don't think I could ever move on from you. I love you so much David.. Please wake up David, Please" Liza I can hear you! Please.. DAVID WAKE UP
"I'll talk to you later David.. I have to go.. Im sorry. I love you" Liza please don't go! I-I love you too..
[Liza's POV]
The nurse was standing at the door, it was time for David's surgery.. I said my goodbye and waited outside.
2 hours later..Please be okay..
"Liza?" The nurse says and I look up, she leads me to his new room.
"Liza.. Im sorry but could you call any friends or family?" she sighs .
"Liza please calm down, he's stable for now.. just please call any friends or family" I nod and call everyone. Without saying anything we all walk into his room, he's so pale now and I begin to cry a lot. I feel arms around me.. I look up to see Alex, I see David's eyes start to flicker.
"D-David?" I squeeze his hand slightly.
[David's POV]
This is my only chance to say goodbye...
"Liza?" I say.. My voice is weak.
"DAVID" I recognise everyone.
"Im sorry. I don't have much time.. I heard you Liza.. I love you so much and..thank you.. I-I just want to say thanks to all - all you guys for a great life" I try my best to put on a smile.
"DAVID WHAT?!" Liza cries more.
"Hey..please don't cry.." I feel my heart slowing down.. Im dying..
"David.. who did this?" Scott and everyone starts to cry.
"Jake" I manage to say.. I don't have m-much time..wow..what a good life..a caring girlfriend and great friends..
"Good bye guys.. Ill miss you.. I-I love you and I-M sorry" I put on one last smile...all I can see now are bright lights..turning into darkness...


[Liza's POV]
"DAVID" I see him take his last breath after a smile.. he-he died... I begin to cry harder..
"NO" I yell and fall to my knees.. he's gone.. he's really gone.. the whole room stays silent..

Good bye David Dobrik

I love you. Only you.


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IG: @xdavidlizzzax

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