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[Davids POV]
I wake up before my alarm, I keep repeating in my head its fake David, neither of you can get jealous I see Liza's name come up on my phone.
L: Hey babe
D: Morning, I wish I could pick u up :(
L: I know, I wish u were with me
D: Are u sure u want to do this?
L: Actually idk what do u think?
D: Its gonna be hard faking it.
D: Wait Kylie just texted me

K: David forget it
D: why?
K: Jake is my ex, he knows how the faking thing works.
D: Ohh
K: yah. I texted Ben, sorry :(
D: All good. See ya.
K: Byee

L: Whats up?
D: Ben and Kylie cant do it, well what do we do?
L: Idk, Ill see you at school.
D: Bye x
L: x
I pack my bag and get in my car, I was slowing down for a stop light but my breaks weren't working What the fuck? Why aren't I slowing down? FUCK I kept pressing on the break, I was swerving other cars.. everything is go fast around me, I-I cant stop.. I see my phone light up.

Unknown: You should be slowing down, guess not.

I look back up, then..


[Liza's POV]
I waited at my locker, David still wasn't here and the bell for first period was about to ring, probably traffic.
I walked to the bathroom during English to text David.
L: Babe where are you?
L: David?
I tried to call, but he didn't pick up.. Liza its fine, his phone might be dead thats all...I walk back to class and everyone in the room looked shocked.
"Liza" Mrs Callee says softly. We walk outside the room.
"Is something wrong?"
"What are you to David?" She asks.
"Im his girlfriend?"
"Liza..Davids been in a very serious car accident.. his in the hospital" I begin to cry.
"C-could I please go see him? With our friends?" She nods and I run to Zanes class first, he was standing outside with Carly, Matt, Heath and Corrina. I felt more tears run down my face.
"Liza!" They all say.
"Come on, we need to get the others" We all run to Todd, Scotts, Kristen and Gabbie's class room.
We take Zane and Heath cars to the hospital, as soon as we arrive I run inside no thoughts, no feeling , I just need David. I ask the desk lady, she points me to his room. I walk in, all I see are tubes and machines, all I hear is that continuous sound.

Beep... beep.... beep ....beep.... beep

I just stare at his eyes. I just want him to walk up. I need to ask him if he's okay, I just need him.
I sat in the same spot for what felt like hours, friends and nurses came in and out but I didn't react, I just waited. For David.
"Ma'am?" A nurse comes in. 
"Yeah?" I wipe my eyes.
"I'm sorry but visiting hours are over, you can come back tomorrow?" I nod and kiss Davids for head, I whispered I love you and called Zane.
"Hey could you drive me home?"
"Sure. Be right there" after 10 or so minutes Zanes car pulled up. I stare out the window for the whole drive, I just think about David.
"Thanks Zane, I'll see you tomorrow" I smile slightly and walk inside, I go straight up to my bed.
AN: IM SORRY FOR REEALLLY A SHORT CHAPTER! I'll try and make longer ones :) poor David :(
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