Fogive or forget?

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(Lizas pov)

The guy who I love, the guy I've kissed, the guy ive been happy with, the guy who i trusted and the guy who I thought loved me..

David Dobrik kissing Summer Anderson.

"Wow" I say and walk past them, I could hear Summer giggle.
"Liza!" David runs up to me.
"What?" I don't even look at him.
"She came onto me! You know what she wants!" I sigh.
"I-I just need time David" I look at him and walk to the cafeteria. I grab a sandwich and sat alone. I just wanted to be alone.
The bell went and I walked into history, I even sat right at the black of the class room. Summer walks in.
"Davids a great kisser" she smiled and I just ignored her, I stared at my blank piece of paper.
"Summer get a life" i hear a familiar voice. Alex?she rolls her eyes.
"Maybe if you keep rolling your eyes you'll find a brain back there" I say and I look at Alex who is trying to to smile. She walks off.
"You okay?" He sits next to me and gives me a reassuring smile.
"Mhm I don't know how I feel" I say quietly.
"If it's okay, I was wondering if I could come to your place to do English?"
"Sure. Did you drive here?" I remembered David and I drove to school.
"Yeah, need a lift?" I nod and we continue listening about World War ||.
After a long history lesson, Alex and I walk to his car. As we're walking I see David.
"What are you doing with him?" He crosses his arms and stares at Alex.
"We have an English project to do, so do you and Summer" I say with a bored tone. Alex and I get in his car.
I unlock the front door and notice my mom isn't home. We go into the living room.
"Liza, aside from English..." Alex starts to blush.
"I shouldn't be telling you this and it's way to soon an-" I cut him off.
"Alex it's fine just tell me" I smile at him and he sighs.
"I..I really like you Liza..a lot and - I think your gorges.." I could tell he was embarrassed.
"Y-you like me?" I ask awkwardly. Do I like Alex? I'm technically not with David right now.. do I need to move on? It's his best friend though?
"I'm sorry... I knew it was to soon" he face palms and I sigh, I put my hand on his shoulder.
"It's okay Alex.." I smile and we just sit there, staring at each other.. I move slightly closer to him.. he leans in too for a kiss. Then my phone rings just before we touch.
"Ugh" I mumble. I pull out my phone and see it's Davids number. I decline.
"Who was it?" He asks.
"..nobody" I smile slightly. We decided to work on the assignment.
"Alex.." I say.
"Thank you for opening up" I hug him.
"Anytime" he sighs and he leaves. I look at my phone and see David, Kristen and Zane texted me.
David: Liza please I need to talk to you!
Kristen: yo what was the Math homework??
Zane: Liza, party at my place Saturday. Coming?
I responded to Kristen and Zanes, I call David.
"You wanted to talk?" I sigh.
"Can I come over?" He asks.
"Whatever" I hang up and within minutes he's here.

"Liza please let me tell you what happened" I let him in and we sit on the couch.
"...and that's how you saw Summer and I" he explained and I start to cry.
"I'm sorry David.. I should have listened to you" we hug and I wipe away my tears.
"There's something I gotta tell you" I say.
"Alex told me he liked me..a lot" I see Davids face change a little.
"He..almost kissed me too" I look away from david.
"Liza..its not your fault" he hugs me.
"Ill see you tomorrow?" I stand up with him.
"Yah, Ill pick you up tomorrow" he smiles and we kiss. I change and go to bed.
(Davids POV)
As soon as I leave Lizas place I call Alex.
"Oh hey David" he says.
"Hey, wanna meet up?" I try and stay calm.
"Um sure?"
"Cool. See you at Target?"
"Okay" We hang up and I drive to target.
"h-" I cut him off.
"What do you think of Liza?" I cross my arms.
"Um..shes nice?"
"Thats all?" I say sarcastically.
"So you don't like her and you almost didn't kiss her?"
"Oh.. you j-"
"Just saw her? Yeah. Shes my girlfriend Alex! What the fuck?"
"I-I really like her David okay? I shouldn't have said anything but you broke-"
"We didn't break up. We had an argument Alex" I clenched my fists.
"Its against bro c-"
"There is no such thing as 'bro code' you just wanted her to yourself as soon as we were away from each other"
"I LIKE HER A-" I cut him off again and punched him, he stumbled backwards.
"Dude what the fuck was that for?!" He touches his nose, its bleeding.
"Stay away from Liza" I get back into my car and go back to my apartment.


(Lizas POV)
I shut my alarm off and get in the shower, I change into a denim shirt and black tights, I put on black boots and let my hair down. I packed my bag and waited in the living room for David. I hear a car horn and walk outside, i get in the car.
"Hey babe" I kiss his cheek. He kisses me back.
"Oh my god, david your hand" his hand was bruised.
"Its nothing.." he starts the car.
"David" I look at him and he sighs.
"Fine. when I left your place last night , I saw Alex and he was mad at me for some reason, he punched me first" I hold his hand and we drive to school.
The bell goes and I walk to Math with Zane and Erin.
After boring lessons for most of the day, I walked to the cafeteria with Carly and Kristen.
"Girls, what should I do with my hair?" I ask.
"Nothing. Why?" Carly says.
"I want to cut it"
"I need to get my hair done, wanna come with me this afternoon?" Kristen and I grab a salad.
"Sure" we sit at the table, I sit next to david.
I walk into the parlour with Kristen, a lady sits me down and she combs my hair.
"What do you want done today?" She asks.
"I would like to cut it, shoulder length" she nods and starts cutting.
"Wow" I say. She smiles, Kristen and I pay. We walk out and grab Starbucks.
Kristen drops me off and I walk inside, I see a note on the table.
Liza, Ive gone back to Houston to sort things out with your father.
See you soon. Love you x
I go to bed and text David.
L: Night babe xo
D: love you. Sweet dreams x
L: you too x
AN: Well then. Unedited!
Ig Xdavidlizzzax 🖤

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