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(Lizas pov ~ same day)
I walk out of Math with Heath and Kristen. We head to lunch and for some weird reason I couldn't stop thinking about him... he was always on my mind and I don't know why, yeah I liked him a lot but maybe do I love him more?
We walk into the cafeteria and we go into the lunch line.
"Liza what's on your mind?" Heath asks.
"Oh? Um nothing" I pick up a sandwich and we walk to the table.
"Liza I can tell your thinking about something. Is it.. david?" He nudges me and I feel myself blush.
"You do!" He turns to me quietly and I nod a little. He smiles.
"Please don't say anything!" He nods and we keep walking. I sit down next to David.
"Hey" I say to everyone.
"What do you have next?" Zane asks.
"I have Geography next, with Gabbie and Erin" I reply.
"Don't forget my party is tomorrow" Zane laughs. We talk for a bit and then the bell goes.
"Meet you at your locker" David says and I nod. I go with Gabbie and Erin.
I say by to my friends and I walk to my locker I was early so I checked my Snapchat.
"Hey" I hear. I look up and see david.
"Can we go to your place?" I ask.
"Sure." We get into his car. He seems really nervous.
(Davids pov)
Okay. I need to tell her today. I can't hold back anymore I like her a lot and I need to tell her how I feel, god I'm so nervous, what if our friendship is ruined? What if she doesn't like me back?
(Lizas pov)
I really like David a lot. He seems really nervous to say something, does he like me? Now I'm nervous..
"Liza.. I really need to ask you something" he looks at me.
"Same.. actually" I feel myself blush.
"Wanna say it at the same time?" I ask and he nods.
(Both povs)
"3...2..1..I love you" we smile at each other and we both laugh a little.
(Lizas pov)
"You like me?" I say and he nods.
"Liza I LOVE you okay? Since the day I - I first met you, I know that was only five days ago but I want to be more than friends" he says and I smile.
"I want to be too" he grins. He starts the car and as he's driving I hold his hand. He smiles and we pull up at his house.
We walk in holding and I already see a little boy sitting on the couch.
"David!" He yells and runs up to him. He stepped back.
"Who is she?" He asks shyly and I laugh.
"Toby this is my girlfriend Liza" I get down to Toby's height.
"Nice to meet you Toby" I put my hand out for a high five.
"You like my brother?" He high fives me and we laugh.
"Yes sadly" I say sarcastically.
"Ewww" he runs off and David and I laugh. We sit on the couch.
"Do you want a drink or something?" He asks.
"Im fine thank you" he nods and I sigh.
"Why do you like me?" I nudge him.
"I told you Liza, I dont like you I love you! Your gorgeous , smart and funny" he smiles and I feel the same.
"I love you to david" I hug him, he hugs me too.
After a few hours david drove me home, I went into my room and changed his name on my phone.
'David 🚀 💕'
I ate dinner in silence with my parents. I went back to my room and play on my phone a while.
(Davids POV)
After I dropped liza off back at her place I went back home.
"David, whos that girl?" My father asks.
"Liza? Shes my girlfriend" I say.
"Is she going to be here a lot?" He sits down.
"I dont know, why?"
"I dont know about her David"
"What do mean?"
"She isnt g-" I cut him off.
"I dont care what you think. I love her and she loves me, I can date whoever I want" I walk up to my room and slam my door. I go on my phone and change lizas name.
'Liza 🚀💕'
I text liza goodnight and fall asleep.
(Lizas POV)
I was about to go to sleep but then I get a text from David.
D: goodnight xox
L: Gn sweet dreams, Love you ❤️
D: I love you too 💕
I smile and set my alarm. I fall asleep.


(Davids POV)
I wake up and check my phone, its 8am. I shut my alarm off and get up slowly, I shower and put on all black as usual. I go downstairs, I get a bowl of cereal for breakfast. I text liza.
D: Morning Babe X
L: Hey X
D: You sleep okay?
L: Eh alright, u?
D: Good I guess.
L: Dont forget its Zanes party tonight.
D: Oh yah, wanna catch up?
L: Sure, pick me up at 9.
D: K see you then xx
L: Bye xx
I shut off my phone and clean up. I an hour to kill so I watched TV.
"David what are you doing today?" My father asks.
"Seeing Liza" I dont look at him.
"Like I was trying to s-"
"Dad I dont care what you think about her, shes my girlfriend" I get up and leave early. I slam the door behind me and drive to Starbucks.
I remember liza told me what coffee she liked so I got us brownies and coffee. I drove to her place.
(Lizas pov)
after texting david i showered and changed into a striped crop top with overalls. (Down below)

I tied my hair up and waited in my living room for david

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I tied my hair up and waited in my living room for david.
"Whos that boy Liza?" My dad packs his last box.
"Whats it to you?" I dont look up.
"hes always picking you up" he says and I roll my eyes.
"Is he your boyfriend?" He picks up a box.
"Yep" I still dont look at him.
"Liza, I know this isnt good for you but you mother and I-" David texts me. Thank god.
"Dad. Nothing you two do is good for me anymore, goodbye" I walk out the door and get in Davids car.

"Awe you got me coffee! Thank you" I kiss his cheek. He smiles.
"Are you wearing that tonight? Or are you getting changed?" We start driving and I shake my head.
"Nah Im going to change. What about you?" He shakes his head and we drive to his place.
AN: Next chapter is the party, thank you for reading another unedited chapter. There finally together!!
Enjoy! XX

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