The New Boy

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[two months later - liza's pov]
Its been over a month since Scott died, but the police still haven't found his body. We held a mini funeral for him and everyone misses him. I moved into Davids apartment, we are happy together. Nothing exciting has happened, Kristen, Gabbie and I made up and Ive been taking exams. 
I wake up, its still dark outside. I check my phone and its 4:42 am, I hear a knock at the apartment door.
"David" I whisper. He wakes up.
"Someones at the door" I sit up.
"What?" He does too, We have cameras outside the door so he checks his phone.
"Liza, who's that?" David shows me his phone and theres a person in all black standing there. David talks through the speaker.
"Hello, who are you?" We see him reply.
"David? Please let me in" He sounds familiar.
"Who are you? Theres a camera above you by the way" the guy nods and looks up.
"SCOTT?!" We both say and run to the door. We open it and he smiles slightly.
"I guess I have explaining to do" we sit on the couch.
[Scotts POV]
"When I was walking to the edge of the pier, a million thoughts were running through my head, what would happen? What about my friends and family? Is this a good idea? I took off my suit and just sat on the edge, I wrote that note. Which I knew you had found -" Liza cut me off.
"What? How?"
"Because, I never jumped. Instead I staged my death, police haven't found me yet so for the past two months I was in San Diego, I needed a break from it all, I was depressed. Now Im fine, I knew you found the note because I was there, I saw the police and our friends" I smile slightly.
"Scott please don't do stuff like that again" David says.
"You can stay here tonight" David looks at Liza nods.
"Thanks guys" I take the couch and they go back to bed.
[Lizas POV]
Its now 6am, David and I get ready for school, David gives Scott some of his clothes. We all ate breakfast together and drove to school in davids car.
"Scott everyone will be asking questions, especially Kristen" David says.
"Yeah.. I know" he sighs.
We walk to my locker, no one has noticed Scott yet, we see everyone at me locker.
"Guys don't freak out" David says and everyone looks confused.
"Hey" Scott comes out from around the corner.
"SCOTT!?" Everyone yells, they all hug him and Kristen starts to cry, while they are all talking I notice a new guy at the school, he has bleach blonde hair and he's tall, but he looks like a fuckboy so I don't pay any attention.
David and I walk out of Art class together, I had to go to the bathroom so David went to the Cafeteria. I walk out and the new boy is leaning against the wall.
"Hey" he says and I stop.
"Um hey?"
"Im Jake, Jake Paul, whats your name?" He smirks.
"Liza. But you shouldn't talk to me" I sigh.
"Why? Can't I talk to a pretty-" I cut him off.
"Yeah - No , I have a boyfriend and I don't want him to punch anyone" I give a fake smile and turn around to see David walking up to us.
"Take her advice"  David says and we walk to the Cafeteria.
[Jakes POV]
That's what you think Liza, I will make you mine.
[Lizas POV]
I don't like Jake, I get weird vibes from him.
"What do you think of Jake?" We walk to our table.
"I don't like him, I get really bad vibes from him" David nods.
I went to my locker alone, I wait for Scott and David.
"Hey Liza" Its Jake again. I roll my eyes.
"Damn Im just trying to say hello! Are you on your p-"
"No Im not Jake, Please just leave me alone"
"Why cant I get to know you?" I see David behind Jake, pissed.
"Awe you really do? Mhm shame because my boyfriend is right behind you" I point to David, Jake turns pale, he turns around.
"Jake, you have three seconds to walk away before I punch you" David says and Scott stands next to me.
"Fine, lets fight" Jake says.
"Seriously? You really want to?" I could see David clench his fists.
"Yeah winner-" David punches Jake hard across the face.
"This isn't a bet idiot, leave me, my girlfriend and my friends alone" David, Scott and I walk away, I look back and see that Jake has a cut lip and he mouths fuck. We drive home.
A|N : Sorry for the short chapter but did y'all really think I'd kill off Scott? 😂 ❤️
Also sorry for adding Jake Pinto//If your part of the ig group chat you'd get it// Jake Paul I need drama.
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|| Also ty for 600 reads on the fanfic 🔥

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