I Still Love You

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(*This may be triggering, sorry)
Two weeks later [Liza's POV]
Tonight is the formal, its been a long two weeks and Ive hardly spoken to David, Ive been talking to Scott a lot. I had a shower, I did my makeup and I left my hair down. I had brought a dress on Wednesday.

I finished getting ready and I heard a knock at my front door

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I finished getting ready and I heard a knock at my front door. I opened it.
"Hey Scott" I smile and lock the door, Scott and I walk to his car, he opens the passenger door for me. I still have to ask myself, Do I like Scott? Or does he like me?
(Scotts POV)
I drove to Liza's place, I don't know why but seeing her makes me smile.. Do I like Liza? Does she like me? I don't know if we could date? I park in Liza's driveway, I knocked on her front door. She opened the door and she looked pretty. Scott calm down you don't like her right? We walk to my car and drive to the venue.
We arrive and walk to the doors. I could see our friends, we walked up to them. Kristen was with David... I put on a smile but I could tell they were awkward with each other.
(Davids pov)
Seeing Scott and Liza together.. I felt annoyed and jealous. I still love Liza a lot and I wanted to take her to this formal but Scott did instead. I asked Kristen because I had nobody either, I can tell she still loves Scott.
(Liza's POV)
Scott and I were talking, I didn't know where anyone else was. Scott and I were just sitting on a bench.
"Liza.." he says quietly.
"I need to tell you something.." he smiles awkwardly.
"I.." he pauses.
"Forget it" he stands up and walks outside. I follow him.
"Scott! What is it?"
"Liza.. I don't know how I feel about you! I don't know if I like you..." he just stops. I don't know what to say, I only broke up with David a week ago. Scott walks closer, no words and he kisses me. I push him away, I can't do this.
"Scott.. I'm sorry I-I can't" I walk back inside and into the bathroom. I begin to cry, I miss David. I miss us, I miss his happiness, I miss his smile, I just miss him. Is david over me? I look in the mirror and wipe off my ruined mascara.
(Davids POV)
I saw Liza go after Scott outside, then.. he kisses her but she pushed him away, she runs to the zgirls bathroom. I walk out to Scott.
"Scott what the fuck?" He turns around.
"Like you can talk, you hurt her worse than me!"
"I was drunk. Liza ran to the bathroom, why did you kiss her?"
"I like her, okay? Your not with her anymore!"
"Scott if I were you, I would leave her alone" I walk back inside and I see Kristen walking towards me. She goes to talk to him and I find Carly and Erin.
"Can you go into the girls bathroom, Liza ran in there" they nod and I stay with Zane and Todd.
(Lizas POV)
Carly and Erin walk in. I wipe away my tears.
"Liza what's wrong?" Carly asks.
"I-its Scott, he kissed me but..."
"But what?" Erin hugs me.
"Im still in love with David!" They smile.
"Here" Erin hands me mascara and eyeliner, I fix my makeup and smile at Carly and Erin, I walk out of the bathroom and over to David.
"Hey, you okay?" he smiles. I nod and he holds out his hand.
"Dance with me" I take his hand and we dance, when Im with him I feel special, it feels like its just us in the room, he smiles at me and I smile back, I wrap my arms around him. The song finishes and we walk hand in hand to his car.
"David" he looks at me.
"I love you" I smile and he does too, he turns to me and kisses me.
"W-" I cut him off.
"Yes, David I'll be your girlfriend again" he smiles and we drive to my house. We walk to my front door.
"Bye David" I kiss his cheek.
"Bye, Love you"
"Love you too" I smile and walk inside. I walk to my room and change into my pj's , I remove my makeup and fall asleep, happy.

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing, it was David.
"Hey, can I come over?"
"Sure I guess, I have t-" He cuts me off.
"Good because Im already here"
"What?" I look over at my window and he's standing on the lawn.
"Hmm.. now that I think of it, you can only come in if you have Starbucks and breakfast" I open my curtain. He rolls his eyes ad laughs.
"I already have that covered" he smiles and walks to the front door. I open it and hug him.
We were sitting on the couch, Erin calls me.
"Hey Erin"
"Liza, is David with you right now?"
"Yeah. Ill put you on speaker"
"Have any of you heard from Scott today?"
"Nah, why?" David looks at me.
"Because he isn't home at the moment and he isn't answering his phone"
"He could be out?" I say.
"But his car is in the driveway, his parents say he didn't come home last night though" I put the phone on mute.
"What the hell?" I say to david and put it back on speaker.
"Dunno, he could have gone for a walk?" David says.
"Mkay, Ill call you guys later"
"Okay, Bye" I hang up and put my phone back on charge.
"Wanna go for a walk on the beach?" David stands up.
We walk on Santa Monica pier, Thats when I saw something that made me think the worst.
"David.." I point to a pile of clothes on the side of the jetty, the same suit that Scott was wearing, his shoes and his phone and wallet next to it..
"SHIT" We run to the edge and see nothing, david calls the police and I see theres a note under Scotts phone.
To whoever finds this.
My name is Scott Sire, I am 17, this is my goodbye letter, My life hasn't been the best, I have had good and bad times but mostly bad. Tonight is a formal that my year goes to, Im going with one of the most beautiful girls in the whole school, Liza Koshy, she has been a good friend since the one night we both found out that our parters cheated on us. I was also in a car crash, that car crash was meant to be my death that night. I wanted to die, I was sick of the evil in this world but I didn't. I went to that formal tonight to tell Liza I loved her, I kissed her but then she cried, I felt so bad after that. So, I went home after David yelled at me and wrote this letter. I now realise I still love Kristen but its to late , So.
Thank you Kristen, Liza, David, Todd, Zane, Heath, Carly, Erin, Matt and Josh. But most of all my parents.
Goodbye, forever.
- Scott Sire.
As I read the letter I began to cry, I showed David and he held me until the police came, Scott loved me, he jumped off the pier. The police man asked us questions about Scott, I answered what I could, I called all our friends.
AN: Im sorry I had to cut Scott out of the fanfic! Also I apologise if this chapter is triggering to anyone.
Thank you.
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