The lie

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[Lizas POV]
David is letting Scott stay with us for a while, we drove to school this morning.
I say bye to David and head off to History, I sit down and.. Jake walks in.
"Hey Liza" he winks at me but I ignore him. We start the lesson and Jake keeps talking to two other people in my class, Chance and Anthony. For some reason they keep talking about Ohio.
"Liza, can you help me with this question?" He stares at his paper.
"Jake this is History, not math class" I roll my eyes and keep working, he keeps annoying me.
"Boi do you need another cut lip?" I glare at him and he finally shuts up.
Its now lunch and Jake has been following me, I see David at my locker.
"Ugh Jake has been following me" I slam my locker shut.
"Where is he?" David says.
"Don't worry about David, you cant punch everyone" I give a reassuring smile. We walk into the cafeteria.
I was walking out of last period, I was at my locker when Anthony came up to me.
"h-" I cut him off.
"What do you want? Is it because of Jake?"
"No actually, its David. He's been telling everyone your a frigid bitch because you wont have s-"
"What?" I cant believe what Im hearing? Does David really think that?
"He thinks your a frigid bitch for not-"
"I heard you, what else did he say?" I ask blankly.
"He also said your annoying, clingy and boring, he's only dating you because your hot" As he says those words my heart breaks into a billion pieces.. Why would he think this? Does he not love me anymore?
"Liza?" Anthony gets me out of my trance.
"Hmm? Oh s-sorry. I gotta go. Thanks"
"Are you okay?" I nod slightly and walk as fast as I can out of the school. I see Davids car and keep walking, I also begin to cry. Why David, why? You said you loved me, do you only want one thing out of me? I keep walking, all that's going through my mind is he thinks your a frigid bitch... my phone begins to ring, I look at the caller ID and it's David.
"What?" I try not to sound like I'm crying.
"Liza are you okay? Where are you?"
"Save it david. Go find another bitch to love" I hang up the phone and quickly walk to the apartment, I rush and get some of my things and go back to my mums place, she got home a few days ago.
"In the kitchen!" She yells back surprised.
"Oh honey are you okay?" She hugs me and I shake my head. I tell her what happened.
"You shouldn't be pressured into anything. If he thinks that then you should move on" she hands me a green tea. I thank her and go up to my room. I put in my earphones and listen to Ed Sheeran on Spotify. David tries to call again and he texts a million times but I just ignore them. Then, I see his car pull up out the front of my place. Great. Just great, I see him walk to the front door and my mum answers. I hear murmurs from downstairs.
"David she doesn't want to talk to you right now"
"I'm sorry I-I just need to ask her something!"
"How about this. I'll see if she's up to talk, if she's not then you have to talk to her later. Okay?"
"Yes, thanks" I hear my mum walking up the stairs. She opens my door.
"Yeah. I know he's here" I say before she does. I stand up and nod. I walk down stairs, mum goes to her room. I see David, I don't say anything, no words, just nothing. Without saying anything I sit on the couch and he follows.
"Liza c'mon, please talk to me! What did I do?" I look at him and try not to cry.
"David.. is-is it true?" He looks at me confused.
"That you think I'm a frigid bitch all because we won't have sex? I'm clingy a-and annoying? Your only going out with me because I'm hot?" His eyes are filled with emotions, I couldn't tell. Anger? Sadness? Confusion? Shock?
"Liza..who told you all of that?" He says blankly.
"Anthony" I see Davids eyes fill with anger , he sighs.
"He told me that you kissed Jake" I become annoyed now to. I think of something.
"What if we give them what they want?"
"Make them think we broke up, you have to get a fake girlfriend, I need to get a fake boyfriend"
"But what if we have to ki-"
"Then we know the real reason, so we can't get mad at each other?" David nods and I kiss him goodbye, I told him I'd stay here for a while.
David texts me.
D: hey so I asked two people..
L: yeah who? X
D: you know my friends Ben and Kylie?
L: I think so?
D: Ben said he's okay with it and so is Kylie.
L: wait how pretty is Kylie?
L: sorry I don't want to get jealous.
D: it's fine, she isn't as pretty as you don't worry x
L: I'm tired, talk to you in the morning. Can I have Bens number?
D: sure. Good night x
L: x
I got bens number and fell asleep. Hopefully this works.
An: sorry for the short chapter! How was it? Unedited? Thought so 😂 hope your enjoyed xx
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Ig : @ xdavidlizzzax ♡

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