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(Davids POV)
"I have an idea" she hands me the towel.
"What..?" We walk into the kitchen.
"do you like living here?" She shakes her head.
"And I dont like living at my place, why dont we get an apartment?"
"What if we break up?" We sit down.
"Thats IF we do.. why not?" She looks at the floor for a moment.
"How are we gonna pay rent then?" She asks and holds my hand.
"I know some people who can get us a good apartment for a good price, until we finish school" She nods and I smile.
"Do you want to spend the night here?" She asks and I nod. We go into her room, I dry off and we both fall asleep happy.
Its 3 am and I hear Liza get up, I heard talking at the..front door?
"Sir, your son is not here" Is that her mother?
"Mr Dobrik David isnt here" Liza?
"I know he's here, where is he?" Crap hes angry.
"David isnt here! He isnt answering any of my calls" Good one Liza.
"Fine. But if he does turn up, heres his clothes. Ive kicked him out oh and he can get his car himself" the door shut I could hear liza coming back so I pretended I was asleep. She gets back into bed.
Lizas alarm goes off and we both wake up.
"Morning" I say and she smiles.
"Come on lets get ready" we get out of bed and I go shower, she made breakfast. I changed into all black and saw my dad had texted me.
Dad: You no longer live with us (just now)
David: okay bye!
I roll my eyes and walk into the kitchen, I eat breakfast and Liza gets ready.
(Lizas pov)
I put on a causal shirt, black jeans and black boots. I tie my hair up and david and I walk to his place to get his car.
We walk to his locker but Gabbie is there.
"Gabbie" I say with no emotion and she looks embarrassed.
"What do you want?" David opens his locker.
"Guys Im so sorry what I said!" I look at david.
"Babe Ill meet up with you later?" I tell him and he walks off.
"Was it true?" I cross my arms. She nods.
"So you do like my boyfriend?" She nods again.
"You stay away from me and david. Okay? Some friend you are" I could tell she was holding back tears. I walk to my locker, David was waiting for me.
"All good?" He asks.
"Yep" the bell goes and we walk to english. We see alex so we sit next to him.

"Class please keep it down" Mr Alles rolls his eyes.
"I need to give your next assignment" everyone quietens down.
"I'll be paring you.." the room fills wit 'ugh's' god I hope Im with David.
"Now.. Lexi and Selena, Adam and Tyler, Summer and David, Liza and Alex.." I look at David and he rolls his eyes.
"Class please sit next to your given partners" I see david awkwardly go over to summer.
"So what play do you want to do?" Alex asks.
"Uh..Romeo and Juliet?"
"Thats what everyone will be doing! Plus do you realise what the scenes are?"
"No..?" He hands me the script, my eyes widened.
[scene 20 - Romeo walks over to Juliet, he kisses her, he says goodbye as he is taken by guards]
"Oh.." I put the script in the middle.
"Class please say which play you are doing" Mr Alles says.
"Lexi and Selena?"
"Macbeth" Selena answers.
"Good, Adam and Tyler?"
"Taming of the Shrew"
"Good choice, David and Summer?"
"Romeo and Juliet" Summer says in a flirty way as she looks at David. Bitch, David looks uncomfortable.
"Interesting.. Alex and Liza?"
"Part one of A midsummer nights dream" Alex says and Mr Alles keeps asking people.
Class finishes and I see Summer talking to Lexi.
"Oh My God Lex, he's so hot!" I hear her and I stop.
"Gurl you do realise hes dating someone" lexi rolls her eyes.
"Me" I walk up to them and cross my arms.
"Seriously, you?" She says and tries not to laugh.
"Dont try anything with David" I walk off to Biology.
(Davids POV)
After class I walk out the door to wait for Liza, Im so pissed that im with Summer, Lizas gonna hate this! I know Summers had a crush on me forever and shes always flirty with me.
"Daaavid" she walks up to me.
"Uh hi?"
"Here, call me for our assignment" he hands me a piece of paper.
Call me :)
I roll my eyes and stuff the paper in my pocket. Liza was taking to long so Alex and I walked off to History.
(Alexs POV)
I hate to admit this, I really do. Im in love with Liza, I have to hide it otherwise david would kill me for sure. Seeing them together.. i dont know what I feel! We could never be together though, she would never date her boyfriends best friend.
(Lizas POV)
Lunch time, I walking down the hall. Before i turned the corner i hear voices.
"Come on.. she wouldnt find out..she wont break up with a guy like you!" a girl? A guy? Defiantly a guy.
I turn the corner, as soon as I realise whats happening I have no words, no emotion, no thoughts.

The guy who I love, the guy I've kissed, the guy ive been happy with, the guy who i trusted and the guy who I thought loved me..

David Dobrik kissing Summer Anderson.
A|N: Short unedited chapter, fight me . Well shit, Summers a little bitch, rip diza?
iM a SpAwn Of SaTan FoR DoiNG ThiS. IM shOok toO
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