Without You

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*same day* (Lizas pov)
"Liza.." he says quietly as he walk closer to me. His eyes are red and he looks like he hasn't slept for hours. I don't say anything, I just look up at him, the rain falls harder and I hear thunder in the distance.
"Can we please talk?" He asks but I still look at him, half of me is telling me to tell him no, but the other half of me is telling me to go with him, talk to him at least..
"David..You hurt me, a lot. Y-you said that you'd never drink, you said you'd never cheat on me" I said quietly.
"We need to talk..please?" He asks and we both hear loud thunder in the distance. I nod a little and we walk to his apartment block, in the heavy rain and it begins to hail. We walk inside.
"So.. let me explain" we dry off and sit on the couch. I nod.
(Davids pov)
"I do admit, I drank, I don't know why.. I told myself that I wouldn't drink. After having a lot of shots and beers I was really drunk.. I sat down and I thought you were next to me, thats why I started kissing her. After a while I don't remember anything. All I remember from that night is you coming here..Scott fighting with me..accidentally hitting you .. you breaking up with me and then I woke up with Kristen, I was so angry I punched a wall and she was crying.. we both agreed to never talk about it and she left this morning. I cried.. and I was so angry with myself.. then I went for a walk.. and yeah" I see her start to cry and I want to hold her, but we both know it won't be the same.
"W-when you came back here with Kristen..did you have se-" I cut her off.
"No we didn't" I say and she sighs of relief. We sit in silence.
(Lizas POV)
I don't know what to say..of course I still love him but can I trust him? It was a drunk mistake, do I need time? Are we just friends?
"David..." I say and he looks at me.
"I..I just need time, okay?" I say and I saw sadness across go across his face.
"Okay..friends?" he says.
"Friends" I give a small reassuring smile. He does too, I say goodbye and walk home.

I wake up and its still night, I check my phone and its 4:38 am. Its a text from Scott.
S: Hey Im awake
L: Hey. How are you feeling
S: Dizzy. Are you okay?
L: Ill be there in 10.
S: K
I get up and change into a basic outfit. I do a tiny bit of makeup and I tie my hair up.

_ I uber to the hospital, I go to the front desk

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I uber to the hospital, I go to the front desk.
"Im here to see Scott Sire" The desk lady nods, she tells me his room and I walk in, he smiles.
"Hey" I smile.
"Hey, so, how are you feeling?"
"Okay..David and I are friends now, he told me what happened" I sit on the edge of his bed.
"What happened?" I explain and he nods.
"It wont be the same for any of us though, they cant forget what happened..." I nod.
"When are you going home?"
"Dunno yet" he smiles slightly.
"Want Starbucks?" I ask.
"Sure, Latte Macchiato?" I nod and walk to Starbucks. I got a Iced Caffè Latte and two white chocolate muffins, I walked back to the hospital.
"Here" I hand him the drink and muffin.
"Thanks" I smiles and I do too.
Scott and I talked for ages, I had to leave because I had school.
"Ill come by this afternoon?" I ask.
"Sure" we say goodbye but then I hear my name.
"Liza...thank you" he smiles and I do too, I went back home and changed.

_ I walked to school, I walked to my locker alone which felt

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I walked to school, I walked to my locker alone which felt..weird. I was getting my books out when I see Dom, the player. I remembered him from Zane's party.
"Liza" he says quietly.
"What do you want?" I don't look at him.
"Your not Dobrik's property anymore?" He smiles and I glare at him.
"Property? I never was anyones property" I continue getting my books out.
"Still, you two were together twenty - four seven, now that you sing-" someone familiar cut him off.
"Dom, I would back the fuck up before you get smacked the fuck up by Liza" I hear from behind. Dom rolls his eyes and walks away. I turn around.
"Scotty!?" I hug him.
"They let me go about half an hour after you left. Im okay so why not" he smiles and I do too.
"Thanks" I say and we both walk to Drama class.
Its finally lunch and Im walking with Scott to the cafeteria.
"I was wondering if.. you wanted to go to the formal with me?" I have no idea why but I could feel myself blush.. OMG do i like scotty? LIZA YOU CANT! THIS IS NOT OKAY!! But I like him? And I don't have a date to the formal.
"Sure" I say and I see him smile. We walk into the cafeteria together and I see everyone but David at the table?
"Hey" I say and so does everyone else. Was it a good idea to go with scott? We'll see.
AN: im SOrrY fOr ThE ShOrt ChaPTeR, the next one is the formal. This will get dramatic.
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