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Kennedy POV

It's been a week since I kidnapped Shawn and I'm still mind blown that he's on my flat but you know something , nobody has said anything about a 'missing Shawn Mendes' , well I haven't checked the news so I don't know but since I'm thinking about it , why not check the news now .

I tiptoe downstairs cause Shawn's still asleep and so Is Amanda, I turn on the TV and then put it on mute , I change the channel to a news channel and what's on screen bothers me a lot , I increase the TV to hear what the news woman is saying

Shawn Mendes, A 19 year old Superstar is missing. He was last seen in Starbucks 1 week ago .

On that day , a girl who wore a hood seemed to be dragging a boy into her car but nobody questioned it and now could it really have been 'Mystery Girl' ?

If You know anything Please Call 014thisisamadeupnumber678

Shit , this is bad . At least the don't know my car , name , number plate or address . "What are you going to do ?" Amanda says walking down the stairs , "I-I don't know, Manda , I really don't" I reply .

"Well , you two could elope" she smirks , "Ha Ha , Very funny Paige" I smirk back , she hates her first name , her full name is Paige Amanda Stone but she insists on people cing her Amanda .

She flips me off and turns to start making Pancakes for all of us .I walk upstairs , I can hear the shower running so I know Shawn is having a shower .

30 mins Later --------:

I'm wearing leggings and a long shirt that says"Wildest Dreams" and Taylor Swift's initial at the bottom , yes I love Taylor Swift, her songs are Amazeballs. I release my hair from its bun and brush it out , it's waist length now and I want to dye it light pink .

I have the dye a home so I might dye it this evening . I pick up my iPhone 6 , making sure that the location is off . I run downstairs, my hair flying behind me , as I slow down I hear nothing , everywhere is silent so I walk quietly and I assume that Amanda has already opener Shawn's door so he can eat with us

But what I see when I get there is something I wish I'd never seen m Shawn and Amanda kissing with his hands on her waist and her hands in his hair and technically she's cheating on Dave  . I look around the kitchen and take a plate of pancakes and a Pepsi .

I take all that and go into the basement , I put in the code and the door opens , I put my plate on one of the tables here then I put in a code and the door closes and nobody but me knows the code not even Amanda .

I sit down eating my breakfast silently, I finish t fairly quickly so I unlock the door and then lock it back as I head to the kitchen to drop my  plate. When I l get there I see Shawn and Amanda eating"Hey Kennedy" Shawn waves , Amanda does the same m I give them both a fake smile, "Uh Amanda , I'll be boxing okay ? Don't disturb me " .

"But we were about to watch a movie, don't you wanna watch " Shawn pouts , awwh but those lips that he kissed Amanda with damn it ,"Nah , she doesn't watch movies , says it's not her thing but yeah we can watch it together" Amanda flirts shamelessly .

Shawn nods at her , I drop my plate and take 2 bottles of water and another Pepsi to see p me  hydrated

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