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Kennedy's POV

It's 3am ,the boys are asleep and Emily is watching YouTube in her room . I'm awake cause I can't stop thinking , I haven't told Zach anything yet cause I'm scared but Emily is making we do it tomorrow .

I decide to text Matt ,he's probably not awake but oh well


Me : Hey Matt

Matt : Hey ,what are you doing up ?

Me : can't sleep ,over thinking stuff ,why are you up ?

Matt : Can't sleep either , what's going with you ?

Me : what do you mean ?

Matt : I mean what's new with you ?

Me : Nothing really :-(

Matt: What's wrong ?

Me : everything , Can we meet up ?

Matt : Like now ?

Me : yeah please

Matt : How about we meet up at that 24 hour ice cream place ?

Me : On my way

Read 3:24 am

End Of Texts-----

I'm in leggings and Jonah's hoodie . I walk out of my room and head downstairs sending Emily a quick text

Me : I'm going out ,I'll be back soon ,I'll tell you about it later ❤

Em : Okay ,be safe ❤


I open the door silently and walk outside , it's so cold ,I'm so glad I'm wearing a hoodie . I get to the ice cream place quickly and walk inside ,Matt is sitting there looking around ,I walk over to him . "Hey Matt " , "Hi Kenny" he smiles .

"I'm pregnant" I blurt , his eyes widen "what" ,"I'm sorry I didn't mean it to come out that way" I whisper . "Explain now " he demands , I explain the entire thing about Jonah and Zach and everything except for the Shawn part
(A/N : I'm too lazy to write out the details :-) )

He stares into my eyes ,speechless . He's going to judge me ,fuck , he'll judge .I don't know why I told him .Tears start welling up in my eyes .
"Hey ,hey , no , no don't cry .I'm not judging you I promise ,I'm just wow ,it's so surprising " Matt reaches out to hold my hand on the table .

"Yeah I know ,imagine how I felt when I found out I was pregnant , it was like my world had come crashing down all because of my stupidity" I chuckle humorlessly  , " I mean it could turn out to be a good thing" he shrugs .

"How " I ask ,"naming the baby would be fun ,the baby shower ,the excitement " he smiles . " The birth wouldn't be so fun though " I cringe ,"yeah yeah but the other stuff to prepare for the baby will be fun" he grins wider . "I'm the one going through the mood swings and cravings " I point out .

He ignores that ,"have you gone to a doctor to be sure " , "I'm going to the doctor later today then once I'm sure I'll tell him " I reply . He nods , "I know it sounds terrifying to have a child at 19 but it'll be okay " , I smile "thanks Matt " .

I  check my phone for the time and it's 4:37 am , "I've gotta go now Matt , I need energy for two now " I sigh . "I understand ,go ahead . Tell me what happens after you tell Zach " he waves . I walk out and look around as I walk back home , I'm just 19 how am I meant to have a child .

I kidnapped a superstar , police is looking for me ,I killed someone . Will I even be able to raise a child and let's not even think about Zach or the boys ,I don't know what they'll say .

I walk into the house and shut the door quietly ,I run upstairs and into my room . Once I'm in my bed I fall asleep easily .


What do you think Zach and the boys reaction will be ??!

I'm SORRY ,SORRY , SORRY ,SORRY ,SORRY FOR TAKING THIS LONG but I'm preparing for exams and they don't end till July 3rd soooo it'll be hard but I'll make it work .

- Don't let anyone make you insecure ,you're perfect just the way you are ✨

Instagram - teen.black.girl

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