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Kennedy's POV

I pay the cab driver and walk out shutting the door. I walk to the back of the house where Emily said I should meet her.

I shove the results in my hoodie pocket,walking quickly to the back then I stop "Emily" I whisper shout walking around carefully.

Then someone pulls my arm into a darker part of the backyard and I almost yelp when a hand covers my mouth.

"Shut up Kennedy" the person hisses, then a light gets pointed at my face and I cover my eyes trying not to get blind.

"Calm down" Emily whispers "and Corbyn stop holding her like that" she hits his hand and he removes it from my mouth.

"I have A LOT and I mean A LOT of questions" I step away from Corbyn, "I know, I know and you'll get the answers but you have to see this first" she points her phone light in another direction and I gasp running to him but Emily puts her hand out in front of me.

"Be careful I had to knock him out with my shoe" Corbyn chirps and I nod eagerly then Emily puts her hand down letting me pass, I run to Shawn and drop to his side.

I look at his face and run my hand through his hair feeling a sense of deja vu. I remember when I first kidnapped him, he's gotten older than then, I mean he's kinda growing a beard.

"We need to leave tonight" Corbyn states and I whip my head towards him immediately "why are you helping me ?". "Kennedy please don't.." Emily warns, "but I want to know" I whine "if you want to keep him we have to leave Australia tonight" he gestures to Shawn.

"If we leave I'll get suspected, we'll all get arrested" I retort and he rolls his eyes "they can only arrest us IF they find us". And I frown in confusion "what do you mean ?", "Ken, he um" she struggles and I raise an eyebrow.

"He what Emily ?", "he called Jonah" she rushes out and I stare at her blankly "so ?". "And he told him everything" she says quickly and I continue staring at her frozen in shock.

"He only told Jonah what he knew I swear I didn't say anything" she points at Corbyn knowing that I'm panicking, "YOU DID WHAT ?" I finally release my anger, "hey, ssh, somebody might hear you" he gestures at Shawn .

"Nobody gave you the right to say anything to anybody, what if he reports me huh ?" I hiss at him, "you really have that little faith in someone you call your best friend ?" he raises an eyebrow not fazed by my anger at all and I stand up glaring at him "we're leaving tonight, they're picking us up , we should head down to the docks soon" he checks his watch.

"Kennedy please... you know we have to leave, we'll get in so much trouble if we stay here" she starts , "okay, if you don't want to think about Shawn then your baby needs to be safe, you owe that to him or her and yeah what did the results say ?" .

Emily is right though, I owe this to my baby, well me and Zach's baby anyway. I sigh "fine, okay, let's go" and Emily squeals jumping into my arms and I almost fall back "I thought black people didn't squeal like us whites" I groan, "HEY, that's very stereotypical of you" she hits me.

"OUCH, PREGNANT LADY HERE" I hit her back and she laughs, "okayyy, if you're done with your weird best friend stuff can we go now ?" Corbyn asks awkwardly.




I love y'all sm

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