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Kennedy's POV
We're finally in Canada after the 6 hour plane ride , and yes Shawn woke up a few times but I handled it . Now he's in one of the bedrooms in this flat .

My dad bought me a 7 bedroom flat in Canada , cause I told him I liked it here cause of the weather when we both came here a few years ago , so yeah I'm trying to get settled you know .

Buying food , drinks , clothes . The flat was already furnished last year so I don't need to buy anything for the house just for Shawn and I .if makes me feel giddy yet scared that I'm with Shawn ALL ALONE

And the fact that Nadia knows where I am , how I kidnapped Shawn is so terrifying and I know I've gotta do something about it is NOW .But it's Shawn and I now , I left Shawn all alone and it's safe but the door's locked and he doesn't know who he is or where he is .

I enter the house and lock the door and as I'm about to go info to beautiful marble kitchen , a pitter patter of feet stops me , SHIT, Shawn's awake . "Uh , Who are you ?" He rubs his head , "Why do I feel so strange and why can't I remember anything?" .

"Uh , come back to bed , I'll explain" I lead him to his room . "Okay Who am I ?" He asks once he's laid on the bed , here we go. 

"Your name is Shawn Mendes"

"How old am I ?"

"You're 19 " (A/N : Shawn actually turned 19 last week Tuesday so Happy late birthday Shawn)

"Where are we ?"


"Who are you ?"

"I'm..........." Shit what do I say , "I'm Leila Andrews , your best friend" I lie

"So , why can't I remember anything?"

"You have temporary amnesia" .

"Why aren't I in the hospital ?"

"You were , you were discharged yesterday"

"Can you tell me anything about myself since you're my best friend?"

Shit , I'm studying to be a doctor and one thing I know is when a person has temporary amnesia the person has to remember by themselves and the fact that its TEMPORARY meaning he'll remember later if not sooner .

"I - I , you need rest Shawn" , "why-you know what fine " he grumbles and closes his eyes . "Night" I sigh when I'm met with no response. Gosh this will be a hard time .


"Shawn I said no " I screech , "Why?" He shouts back , " I'm trying to protect you " . "From what huh ? You never tell me anything about my life , I'm always locked in my room and now I can't go out, what did you do ? Kidnap me ?" The last sentence had me freezing , I try to stutter out a  response " I didn't why would I have to kidnap my best friend?" .

You see , we came here a week ago and this is the fourth argument this week and it's only Wednesday,he's been wanting to go out and I can't let him cause he might get noticed .Now I've got to do something drastic , I take a needle from the drawer , "W-W-What are you doing Leila ?" He stutters stepping back , "It's to help you Shawn " . I inject the sedative into him and he  drops to the floor .

And as usual I drag him to his bed and then I take a rope and tie his arms together and then his legs cause we don't want him escaping while I'm away then I gag him , no noise no problem.

This is also the second time this week I've sedated him and I feel bad but it's got to be done .

Now I've gotta go back to New York for unfinished business which means Nadia .

"You're drunk, you don't know what you're doing" She begs but I've got the upper hand now .


Yah !!! This is a Cliffhanger???? I guess ???? . But yeah I'm really into this story . Hope you enjoyed it

- Vanessa

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