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Kennedy's POV

"Yeah it squawked at him and he ran away screaming" I laugh , everyone bursts in laughter and Jonah pouts , "it's not fair , I was five " . We just continue laughing , we've spent hours laughing at five year old Jonah .

"Kenny , do you still-" Jonah starts but gets interrupted by my phone ringing , I look down at it and Matt flashes across it . I frown trying to remember who Matt is , then I pick up my phone , excusing myself to take the call outside.


Matt - Hi

Kennedy - I'm sorry but who is this ?

Matt - This is Kennedy right ?

Kennedy - Yeah , who is this ?

Matt - Well , isn't that hurtful , I'm Matt , remember from the beach two weeks ago ?

Kennedy - Ohh , Hey Matt , sorry I didn't recognize your voice ,I've been so busy lately

Matt - It's okay but are you too busy to hang out with me tomorrow night ?

Kennedy - I don't know , Matt

Matt - C'mon , Kennedy please

Kennedy -  I'll think about it and call you later

Matt - I'll be waiting

End Of Comvo

I walk back inside , "Who was that" Emilie whispers when I sit next to her . "Matt" I whisper back , her eyebrows scrunch together in confusion , "the cute boy from the beach " I smile , her lips form an O ."Why'd he call " She asks , "wants me to go out with him " .

"Like a date " She squeals , "What date " Zach says and the guys turn to look at us , "Nothing" Emilie and I say in unison , "oh there's something and I'll find out " Jonah states .

Emilie and I look at each other and we both stand up and walk away , "we'll be in my room , don't touch anything " I shout as we walk upstairs . "I think he likes you " Emilie squeals flopping on my bed , I furrow my eyebrows in confusion "who" . "Matt , duh " , I laugh "nah we're just friends and we barely know each other " , "strangers can fall in love too" she whines .

"Sure" I drag the e , "seriously though you should call him and-" she gets cut off by a loud bang from upstairs , "where'd that come from" I ask cautiously , "maybe the guys" Emilie shrugs , "let's go check " I stand up and pull Emilie up with me .

"Jonah , boys , where'd the noise come from " I shout downstairs , "it wasn't us , I think it came from  upstairs " Corbyn shouts back . I turn to Emilie , "what if Shawn's awake " I mouth , "I knocked him out " she frowns , we still walk upstairs to the basement .

I put in the pass code and the door opens slowly , Emilie looks at me then looks inside then we both walk in , Emilie looks around while I notice Shawn's body laying on the floor and the chains are broken off him .

But I see next is what makes Emilie turn around and gasp .


Heyyyy , you all probably hate me right now . I know I haven't updated in so long but I'm so sorry , Stuff happened .

So Chapter 14 is right after this so I updated twice today . Expect Chapter 15 on Friday or Saturday or if you're lucky it may be earlier .

P.S - Bullying isn't a joke and it isn't funny , if you or someone you know is getting bullied tell someone close to you or tell me I'll help you . Bullying is serious and people don't see that .
Love You guys ❤

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