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Kennedy's POV

I'm in the shower , it's around 11 am . I'm going to the doctors soon to find out then I'll have to tell Zach and the boys ,someone help me .

I walk out and wear  (A/N : outfit above ) . I walk out of my room and go downstairs hearing Emily laughing " morning guys" I say , "morning " they reply . I look at Em and she nods slightly at me and then I nod back "I've got to go now , see y'all later " I wave .

"Do you want to be pregnant" Emily asks as we walk to the hospital , "I don't know ,I'm so nervous . I don't want to be pregnant now I'm just 19" , "well you turn 20 soon " she suggests , I stare at her blankly .

We walk into the hospital and get an appointment "Miss Santiago " the receptionist calls , Em squeezes my hand , I look at her and smile nervously as I stand up and walk into the doctors office alone .

"So Miss Santiago " the doctor starts ," call me Kennedy please " I interrupt . She nods and continues " what makes you think you're pregnant " , "I've been throwing up for the past few days " I cringe . "Did you engage in any sexual activities before the throwing up started " she prods .

I nod and lower my head , "let's take a test then " she says

30 Mins later ❇

The receptionist hands me the results to the test and I walk over to Emily , "here we go " I say nervously , I slowly open the envelope and pull out the paper , unfolding it .

POSITIVE  is written across the paper , Em looks at it once then raises her head to look at me then in one moment she hugs me tightly . I feel like crying but I won't , I can't . I don't even know what to do now , as if reading my thoughts Emily says "the first to do is to tell the boys ,then we'll figure out what to do from there" .

Oh holy shit , telling the boys is just something I don't want to do but I have to . Ugh fuck you Zachary Dean Herron for getting me pregnant .

10 mins laterrr

" do we have to tell them ,I mean the baby could live without a father " I say once we're about to open the front door , Emily shakes her head firmly " you're telling them ,you have to " . We walk into the house seeing the boys playing Fortnite , " boys we have something important to say" Emily says as she switches off the TV making the boys groan .

Emily nudges me forward " I'm pregnant " I blurt , why do I keep on blurting this thing . The boys all look confused , Zach looks nervous . " it's Zach's child " Emily says softly , Jonah looks confused "how , what , huh " . After I explain everything , Zach looks pale .me

"We go on tours , we have fans , we have a career that just started" Zach states , " well then maybe you should've thought about that before fucking me " I retort . He just stares at me "can't you abort the baby or something" , "Oh hell no , Zach this is your child , you have to be responsible . Kenny's not aborting the child , we're telling management about this but no matter what , Zach you must take of this child " Daniel states standing up to stand beside me .

I'm so happy Daniel is standing with me , Daniel hugs me and soon it becomes a group hug . "it'll be alright Ken , I promise " Daniel whispers .


So uh , what do y'all think about this chapter ??

I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while but Chapter 20 will be up very soon ,I promise

Did y'all hear about the Hannie drama ??! - Annie Leblanc and Hayden Summerall
Idek who's side I'm on , it's either Annie or Hayden , I mean Annie has her reasons so idk .

Love y'all 💓

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