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Kennedy's POV

Zach squeezes my hand looking at me worriedly. He probably thinks I'm gonna faint, funny....

Zach and I are Shawn's funeral, they couldn't find his body so they're basically burying the coffin in Shawn's name. We're standing at the back, way back, where nobody can see us because we're not supposed to be here.

It's my fault Shawn is gone and Aliyah is crying, Karen is standing beside Manuel, she's not even crying. She looks like she can't cry anymore and it's all my fault.

A 14 year old girl is crying for her brother, I ruined this family. It's all my fault, Zach keeps on telling me it's not fault and I'm slowly beginning to accept that.

Being with Zach has really helped me, he keeps me happy, sometimes when he's sad he pushes it away just to make me smile. I'm actually 8 months pregnant now, apparently the baby could come any day now and I'm even supposed to be standing as much but when I saw the news about the funeral I had to come.

I look at the coffin that they're lowering and close my eyes imagining Shawn's body is there. I'm sorry for everything Shawn, I'm sorry for being selfish and kidnapping you, I'm sorry I didn't let you go sooner, I'm sorry for everything. I hope that wherever you are now, you're happy and smiling and getting everything I took away from you.

When I open my eyes, wind blows and I see that the coffin has been lowered. I look at Zach and he doesn't smile but he has this look in his eyes that tells me everything will be okay and even if it won't he'll be there to make it right.

I look at the now quiet Mendes family and look back at Zach nodding at him telling him I'm ready to go. And For the first time since Shawn's death I feel free, I feel like I can let myself be happy.

I pull my hair out of the bun that it was in and sit down on the bed with Zach's help. I rub my belly "I can't wait for her to finally come out" I groan and he laughs "I'm kinda scared for when you go into labour but I can't wait either, it's exciting".

"Your fans, limelights or something ?" I ask and he hums in reply "they're gonna go crazy when they find out their 'baby Zach' has a baby of his own" I chuckle imagining Twitter blowing up. "They'll accept it eventually, real fans accept you for who you are" he replies kissing the side of my head.

"I guess so..." I mumble rubbing my belly, "alright what crazy craving do you have now ?" he sighs and I look up at him trying to look innocent "what do you mean ?". "When you have a craving you rub your belly sideways" he states and I raise an eyebrow at him "creep".

He throws his hands up in the air "how ?" he whines and I grin "can you get me an avocado and fries ?". He looks at me disgusted "I knew you had some weird craving", "it's not my fault, it's the baby's" I defend pouting tears coming to my eyes.

"Hey, hey, don't cry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll get you your avocado and fries, I'll be back in 5 minutes" he says quickly kissing my cheek and grabbing the car keys rushing outside.

I wipe my eyes and laugh at how fast he's running, I'm allowed to be emotional, I'm a pregnant woman in her 8 month OKAY ??!

Jonah walks in and I gape at him, how did he get here so fast and when ??

"Zach called me, told me you had some cravings and needed me to take care of you" he says seeing the expression on my face. I nod and Jonah sits beside me "how's baby Herron doing ?", "eh, she's fine, kicking a lot but she's fine".

"Jo, could you grab me a glass of water please ?" I ask and he nods going into the kitchen. "Ship" I swear when I feel a contraction, I take in a deep breath and drink the water Jonah brought. "I can't wait to see you getting married to Zach" he blurts and I choke coughing "who said I'm gonna marry Zach ?".

"You're carrying his child" he points out and I raise an eyebrow "so ?, Louis Tomlinson has a child with Brianna Jungwrith but you don't see them getting married ?, heck they're not even dating". "Yeah but-" I cut Jonah off with a groan "contractions are so effing painful" I grind out but then I freeze feeling water trail down my legs.

"Jonah, I'm going into labour" I say slowly trying not to freak him out but it doesn't work anyway because he basically screams and stands up "WHERE THE HECK IS ZACH ?" he shouts and literally as soon as he says that Zach walks in.

"She's going into labour" Jonah says quickly and Zach drops the bag he's holding starting to panic, swearing he throws the car keys at Jonah and they start arguing "HELLO, PREGNANT WOMAN ABOUT TO HAVE A CHILD HERE" I shout and Zach runs to me "okay, okay,try to be calm baby just try".

I should be telling him that, he helps me up and we hobble to the car that Jonah just started up.

He helps me into the backseat sitting next to me, I squeeze his hand as the contractions go through me "I hate you Zach" I grind out through the pain. "Jonah could you please GO FASTER" Zach shouts rubbing my palm, "your shouting isn't helping idiot" Jonah shouts back.

"WE'RE LITERALLY IN THE SAME CAR, WHY ARE YOU SHOUTING?" I scream and I hear Zach mumble a 'you're shouting too'. I glare at him letting him know I heard it "I'll strangle you once I get this child out of me" he gulps nervously as Jonah parks the car and they rush me out shouting for wheelchairs and nurses.

I'm doing this, flip, I'm gonna bring a whole child out of me.





Now it sounds so sadddd..... oh my goshh I'm ending IKSM....... I feel like I should cry...........

Anyway baby gets delivered and a whole bunch of stuff will happen in the epilogue

Something nobody will expect happens in the Epilogue.... wink wink.

NEXT UPDATE : Wednesday - basically Tomorrow.

Again please go check out my YouTube Channel please

Thank you so much

I love you guys

- Star <3

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