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Kennedy's POV

"You know, I've been wondering where you  were and why you haven't called ?" Jonah  asks , "Jonah , I've been busy " I mumble into the phone . "So busy you had to move from New York ?" He shouts .

"Chill J-" he interrupts me saying "Nope , where are you ? . The guys and I are on break so I'm coming to see you . Where are you Kennedy Maria Santiago ?" . "I'm- I'm in Canada " I sigh .

"Great , see you in 2 days , Ken. Love you bye " he says . "Love you too Jonah . Bye " I sigh again . Another problem to add to my list . Jonah is coming and if he finds out I kidnapped Shawn , I'm going to prison .

And he said the guys , oh God why are you punishing me like this . "Em , I'm going to prison . Prepare to testify in court" I groan flopping on my bed . "What , prison , testify . Are you turning yourself in ?" Emilie panics , "No , I'm not crazy Em . Jonah is coming " I groan .

"Who's Jonah ?" She raises an eyebrow . "Oh yeah , you don't know him . I'll tell you about him when he gets here . He'll be here in 2 days and then only God can save me " I say .

"C'mon tell me who Jonah is ? " she whines , "No" . "last name at least ?" She groans. "I'll tell you when he gets here Em " I sigh . She groans and picks up the book she was reading and goes back to it .

"Leila ? , Where are you " Shawn shouts , "in my room Shawn " I shout back . Shawn enters the room with a guitar in his hand smiling , "Lei , remember guitar lessons?" He holds up the guitar . I stare a it for a minute then remember "Ohh , yeah . We gonna have one now ?" I ask , He nods handing me his guitar .

He sits down on the floor opposite me  . I start playing the song he taught me last time . "Lei , You played a couple notes wrong but you're gonna be a great guitarist " Shawn smiles .

He sits behind me , putting his hands over mine on the guitar . He guides me slowly to playing the right notes , "Aww , you guys are so cute" Emilie coos . "Emilie , Kenny and I aren't dating , you know that right , but thanks anyway " Shawn chuckles and , everything about him is so beautiful .

But all this might be gone when Jonah and the guys get here .

Hi Guys !! Betcha finally happy I finally updated huh ? . But u might be mad too cause this chapter is really short but I'm sorry I promise Next chapter will be longer .

And who do you think Jonah is ?

- Be Proud of Your Scars . Love ya

I Kidnapped Shawn Mendes - REWRITINGWhere stories live. Discover now