chapter 2

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Stan grabs Kyle's hand and drags him along the hall to the cafeteria doors. Stan stops and grabs Kyle's face and slowly presses his lips against Kyle's. That's when Kyle snaps out of his daze and blushes when he realizes what happened. Stan smiles at Kyle and walk through the door. Sitting at the table Stan sits in front of Kenny and watches. Kyle sits in front of Cartman. From the corner of his eyes Stan watches Cartman.

Underneath the table Cartman has his foot rubbing up and down Kyle's leg. Kyle tries to kick his leg but ends up kicking himself. He says a low ow and rub his leg. Stan turns his head towards Kyle when he heard the word ow. Cartman looks at Stan with a smile upon his face and continuing to rub Kyle's leg. Stan is glaring at him and was about to say something when the bell rings.

All the students rush out the cafeteria and get their book. Stan and Kyle walk to class together with Cartman along with Kenny. Cartman starts to whisper to Kenny but loud enough for Stan to hear.

"Yea I bet Kyle knows how to lick balls really good. I can't wait to find out." Cartman says

Stan's hands ball up and that doesn't go unnoticed by Kyle but he ignore it. They arrive at their second to last class. When all the students are seated the class begins. The class and the next class goes by fast. The last bell rings and students are pushing to get out the front doors. Kyle waits for Stan outside of Math class. Cartman sees Kyle and walks up to him. Kyle tenses up when Cartman stands in front of him so he looks down at his feet. Not liking that Cartman grabs Kyle's chin and lifts it. leaning down he whispers in Kyle's ear.

"I'll be ready whenever your ready."

With that said Cartman licks Kyle's mouth and let's go of his chin. Kyle blushes and he shakes his head as he sees Stan walking out. Grabbing his hand Stan kisses Kyle on the lips real fast and drag him out the front doors.

Getting in the bus Stan leads Kyle to the very back seat with Kenny and Cartman in the seat next to them. Stan sits by the window and Kyle by the aisle. Cartman smiles and reaches over to rub Kyle's thigh. Stan turns to see Cart man's smiling face looking at him. Glancing down he sees Cartman's fats hand touching Kyle's thigh. Then he looks at Kyle's face and sees that he's about to cry so he stands up. He pulls Kyle up and takes Kyle's place.

Kyle rest his head on Stan's shoulder and looks out the window. Cartman frowns and just stares at Kyle the whole ride. When the bus gets to their bus stop Stan waits for Cartman to get up so he can stand. Kyle follows Stan off the bus and up the street to his house. Cartman grabs Kyle's arm and yanks him towards him. Quickly turning around Stan storms up to Cartman.

"Let him go fatass."Stan says

Cartman says "No I don't have to"

Stan gently grabs Kyle's hand and easily pulls him out of Cartman' s grip. Kyle hides behind Stan and watches as Stan gets in Cartman's face.

"Kyle is mine and if you touch him I swear to god you will find out how it is to be a girl." Stan says with poison covering every words

Cartman stands there as Stan walks off with Kyle down the street and when they disappear he turns to Kenny. Kenny shrugs his shoulders and walks up to Cartman.

"We'll see if Kyle is his for long. Let the game begin." Cartman says

Cartman and Kenny walks in the opposite direction talking about anything that comes to mind.

Stan opens his door and let's Kyle pass him into the house. Walking over to the couch Kyle sits down.

Calling from the kitchen Stan asked " Want anything to eat or drink?"

"Could you get me a bottle of soda." Kyle says

Few minutes later Stan sits down next to Kyle and hands him a bottle of Pepsi soda. Twisting the cap off of his own soda Stan takes a big sip. Kyle watches as Stan's Adam apple moves with his movement. Blushing his looks away and focuses on his own soda.

"Aaaahhh that was refreshing, I was waiting for this all day today." Stan says

Glancing over at Kyle he sees he's red in the face and he fidgeting with the hem of his shirt. He grabs Kyle face and puts his hand on his forehead. Kyle's face turnes a darker shade of red as Stan gets closer to his face.

"Cough."Stan says

Kyle coughs and Stan smells it. Sniffing he looks at Kyle but smiles after a few minutes. Kyle smiles at Stan and turns back to the TV. Couple hours later Kyle is getting sleepy so he leans against Stan who puts his right arm around Kyle's waist. Not being able to keep his eyes open anymore he closes them and falls into a sleep. Stan kisses the top of his head and smiles to himself.

"Night Kyle . I love you" Stan whispers the last part."

Stan goes back to watching TV but soon falls asleep as well


Hey what's up, hope you enjoyed this chapter . Let me know if you want to continue the story!

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