chapter 4

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School was out for one more day and all the boys chilled with each other. The day their school opens back up Stan rolls over and shuts off the alarm. Not wanting to get up he rolls over just to fall flat on his face on the floor. Groaning his sits up and rubs his nose.

"You better be getting ready!" Sharon yells up to his son

"I am mom!" Stan yells back

Sighing he stands up and stretches to get all the sores out of his body. Slowly walking to the bathroom he turns on the shower and strips. He jumps back once the cold water touches his body. Now fully awake he quickly finishes up his shower. After brushing his teeth and hair he rushes to his room. He picks out a blue shirt along with his brown coat and puts on a pair of navy blue jeans. He looks at the time and hurries to put his sneakers on. Walking down the steps he hears his family eating breakfast.

"Morning son." Randy says

Stan says "Morning dad."

He grabs a bowl and cereal along with milk. Then he eats standing up when his phone vibrates in his pocket. Answering it he almost spills the milk while trying to drink it and on the phone.



"Stan dude what time are you gonna leave?"

"About now. I gotta put my bowl and spoon in the sink. Wait for me outside your house."

"Alright bye Stan."

"Bye Kyle."

Hanging up he throws his dishes in the sink and speeds out the door.

Kyle kisses his on goodbye and walks out the door. He sits on his front steps just to see Butters walking his way.

"Hey Kyle !" Butters says stopping in front of Kyle

Kyle says "Hey Butters."

Then Butters begins to walk off to the bus stop and Kyle sighs. Not looking up he yelps when he gets tackled to the ground. Glancing up he sees Stan's smiling face. He pushes him off and punches his shoulder. Stan starts to pout but Kyle laughs at him. Standing up he grabs Stan's arm and drags him down the street.

When they reach the bus stop they see Cartman, and Kenny standing there while talking to Butters. As soon as Butters sees Kyle with Stan he waves which causes Cartman to turn around. Kyle frowns and walks closely to Stan.

"Hey Kyle." Cartman says

"Hello Fatass." Kyle says rolling his eyes

Cartman grabs Kyle's hand and pulls him closer to his body. Kyle tries to get out of his grip.

"Can I get a kiss.?" Cartman asks

Kyle shakes his head. Then he kicks Cartman's knee which makes him let go of Kyle and grab his knee. He was about to hit Kyle when Stan stands in from of Kyle. He gives Cartman. look that says try and see what I do to your face. Cartman growls lowly but walks back over to the two blondes. Kyle sighs of relief and walks towards the bus stop signs.

The bus comes and they go get on. It seemed like it was shorter then usual. Standing up Kyle walks forward but Cartman sticks his foot out and Kyle falls forward. Shaking his head Stan grabs kyle by the waist and hoist him on his shoulder. Kyle gives Cartman the finger and Cartman just snickers at him. Once in the school Stan let's Kyle down in front of his locker. Kyle unlocks his locker and finds a little note sitting on top of his history book. He grabs it and stuffs it in his pocket. The rest of the day went by smoothly and Kyle was thankful for that cause he has enough on his mind.

"Kyle I'm not gonna go on the school bus cause one of the teachers wanna tutor me about something " Stan says rolling his eyes

Kyle says "Oh alright

. No problem."

When the end of the day comes Stan walks Kyle to the bus but runs back inside the school building. Kyle sits in the very back and just stares out the window. When he sees Cartman walking by the window he smiles to himself. Then Cartman looks up and smiles while waving at him. Kyle gets home and runs up to his room

Mine (South park yaoi) Boy x boyWhere stories live. Discover now