Chapter nineteen

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Stan is walking home from school when suddenly he was pulled into an dark alley. He tried to fight but he couldn't see so he stop but kept his guard up.

" Hello?" Stan shouts out

A laugh echoes off the brick walls that he's surround by. His eyes twitch when he realizes who that laugh belongs to. There is slight light coming from a cracked open door. Trying to even his breathing he waits for the person to do something. What he didn't expect was to see a blonde wearing a hoodie.

"K-Kenny what are you doing?" Stan ask

Kenny doesn't answer but instead swings a knife in font of Stan's face. Stan tries his best to dodge to it but he felt a sting under his left eye. Stan throws a couple punches at Kenny when he walked a closer. Dodging them Kenny didn't see the last punch which sent him to the ground.

   Before Kenny had a chance to get up Stan was on top of him grabbing the front of his hoodie. Stan was about to punch him when he suddenly felt a searing sting in his back. Looking down at Kenny he sees a stone cold expression and he fell against Kenny when the knife was twisted around in his back. Screaming he fell against Kenny and Kenny just reaches into Stan's pocket to grab the code. He pushes Stan off of him and onto the cold ground. Standing up he looks down and sadness flashes in his eyes before he walks away.

     Watching as Kenny watches away Stan tries and holds back the tears as the pain gets worse. His eyes slowly close and he hears laughter.

"Have a good day Stan! hahaha"

Before he fell unconscious he thought of his mom and dad. Even his sister all his friends back at the school. But the last person he thought of is Kyle.

Kyle looks up when he hers a creak but he can't see anything. A week ago the stranger took off the blind but he keeps its very dark. He squints his eyes to try and see the stranger but he stops when he realizes he can't. Suddenly a hat is thrown at him. He picks up but gasp when he sees its a blue hat with a red ball and red hem on the bottom. He holds it close to his chest and smells it. it smells like sugar and cigarettes.

"Well hold on to that because you see him again." The stranger said

He begins to laugh and walk out the room. Once the door was shut he let out the tears and the hat soaked them up. Laying down he closes his eyes and sniffles a little when he falls a sleep. Standing outside looking in is none other Kenny sadly looking at Kyle.


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