Chapter 5

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*Ring, Ring*

Hearing his phone go off he blindly searches for it and he knocks it down from the bed. So Kyle has to sit up and lean over the bed to see he just got a missed call from Stan. Rubbing his eyes he picks up his phone and calls Stan back. It rings a couple times before he hear Stan's voice on the other end.

"Hey man what's up?" Kyle asks

"Nothing just wanted to see if you could come play basketball with me later on?" Stan says

Kyle says "Sure."

Then Kyle walks downstairs to got into the kitchen to get something to eat while talking to Stan on the phone. They talk mainly about what projects they have to do for school and what they gotta do all day. Kyle was happy just to hear Stan's voice. After they hang up Kyle drops his bowl on his foot. He grabs his foot and jumps around out of pain.

"You alright Bubba?" Kyle's mom yells into the kitchen

Kyle yells back "Yea mom I'm fine."

He runs upstairs and gets ready for the day. After he gets dressed he strolls down to the living room couch. Jumping on it he turns on cartoons and just chills. A couple hours later he starts to close his eyes to take a nap when there was a knock at the door. Yawning Kyle gets up to open the door just to get pulled into a body.

Before he could look up somebody puts a blind fold over his eyes then he feels his body being pulled forward.

"Who are you?" Kyle ask scared

He then gets pushed into a car he assumes and he just sits there trying to calm himself down. Taking deep breaths he hears a chuckle and that's when his mind goes wild. He begins to chew on his bottom lip.

"We're here. Your gonna have fun with me." The stranger says

"Where are we?" Kyle ask

Instead of getting an answer he gets pushed and he falls onto his knees. He reaches out and feels around for something to lean on. When he falls on his face he crawls forward to meet with something soft. Touching the object he realizes that its a blanket and then he feels a mattress next to him.

"I'll bring you some food later on my beauty." The stranger says

Kyle hears the door slam shut and he lays down. Pulling the cover over his body he starts to cry really hard which causes him shake real bad. Closing his eyes he sees Stan's smiling face.

"Stan." Kyle whispers

Stan is walking to Kyle's house while calling his phone about the 20th time in a row. When it goes to the voicemail he starts to get really worried. He knocks on the door and the door creaks own slightly. Pushing it open slowly he calls out Kyle's name.

"Kyle you alright?" Stan he calls out

Walking inside he sees that its dark and Kyle's phone is on the couch. It lighting up catches Stan's attention. Walking over to it he sees its a text message. Picking it up and opening the message he starts to read it.

Hello Stan

Your reading this cause I've stolen Kyle already. I have a plan. I'm gonna tell you that after my plan is over that Kyle will mine. See ya

Stan's eyebrows furrow and he clenches the phone in his hand. His mind is going through all the suspects and it keeps going back to Cartman. Placing the phone in his pocket he storms out the front door. It starts to rain and Stan looks up to the sky.

"Kyle I promise u I will find you!" Stan yells

Mine (South park yaoi) Boy x boyWhere stories live. Discover now