Chapter nine

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Stan walks out between the double doors of the school and a lot of students run pass trying to make it to parked cars. The rain is coming down pretty hard but Stan doesn't seem to notice that he's getting soaked. He's looking over the photos Craig gave him a few months ago but he can't figure out where he is in the picture. He sings and shoves the picture for the millionth time in his bag so the rain doesn't ruin it.

"Hey Stan sweety." Stan's mom says

Stan walks pass his parents and up the stairs. Once in his room he plops on the his bed and pulls out the picture. Ever since he find the pictures in his bag he keeps looking at it. Sometimes he stares at it for hours upon hours and loses track of time. He touches the picture and whispers to himself.

"I'm sorry Kyle I can't find you. I hope your alright." Stan says and hugs the picture

He hears a laugh that he knows very well so he looks out the window to see that fat piece of shit, He gets up and runs down the stairs straight out the front door. Stopping in a few feet away from Cartman Stan balls his fist up unto a ball. He quickly closes those few feet gap and he's in front of his face now. Cartman looks at Stan with a smirk and stands there with Kenny and Butters watching behind him.

"Well well Have you found Kyle yet?" He asks

Stan just snorts and his fists start to shake as he stares at Cartman. Cartman just shakes his head and keeps that smirk on his face as he begins to speak again.

"That's a shame. Me on the other hand is close to finding Kyle. Once I find him He will bee come mine." Cartman says

Stan takes a few strides and grabs his shirt. Pulling his face close he growls and begins to whisper while shaking with anger.

" If you are hiding anything from me or hiding Kyle and I find out you better just hide yourself cause I will hurt you. That's not a threat its a promise." Stan says

Cartman just laughs and walks pass Stan. Stan is watching as Cartman is walking down the street with Kenny, and Butters. Once out of Stan's hearing range and sight Cartman stops while turning toward the two. Both Kenny and Butters stop in their track to stare at Cartman. He has a worried and stern expression in his face.

" Guys make sure Stan don't fund Kyle while I'm gone for a couple days. Take care of Kyle and don't let him hear your real voices alright." Cartman says

Kenny and Butters look at each other then nod their heads towards Cartman. Smiling he begins to walk towards his house with the two following. Butters is biting his nails as he follows behind Cartman and then he looks over at Kenny who is just chilling with his hands in his pocket. He doesn't wanna keep Kyle locked up but he's scared of Cartman and his secret getting out to the whole school. Kenny is fighting with his self about if he should help Cartman keep Kyle locked up or help Stan find him. Sighing he looks over towards Butters and sees that he looks guilty. He shakes his head and looks forward again.

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