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Elena's POV

"ummm......nae! kamsahamnida"

I said

then he helped to Stand up

buti pa siya Gentleman

unlike this guard, so rude -_-

"yah you shouldn't treat girls. like that!"

he told the guard

waah my savior ^_^

" well, I'm just doing my job

to push away crazy fans

well, she's crazy

she's insisting on being the new manager"

"yah!! I'm telling the truth!!

I'm Exo's new manager!!

yah! please let me in

I'm gonna be late already!!

Lee So Man hyung will be mad at me!!"

"hyung?" Mr savior asked



Onew's POV


aish I'm late already for the meeting!


this is their fault

those boys~~ -_-"

I'm gonna kill them later

for leaving me behind -_-

because of them I have to commute under the heat of the sun

aish!!! jinja?!?!

its so hot!?!

my energy is draining

then suddenly my phone rang

I just answered it not knowing who called me

"yoboseyo??" I said in a uncheerful way

I'm too tired to be cheerful because of the heat

"yah Onew !! you're late already!!!"

our manager hyung scolded me


"I know hyung, mianhae"

"okay, but watch out for some fans

don't get noticed, arraso?"

"nae hyung"

I was about to hang up when he spoke

"yah!, if ever you came across with the new manager of Exo , please help her to get inside , arraso?"

"umm. how will I know her?"


he thought for a second

"she calls the president " hyung"'

--end of flashback--

ahh so she's their manager


she's too young



she's cute

hehehe :")

/le slap my face/

okay she's a manager

I Am Exo's manager (exo fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now