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elena's pov

i woke up with a super duper headache!!!! argh what just happened? oh f****k myhead!!! i-i music........drinks.....Ralph......oh the freaking warlock thingy......the quite place.........oh getting super the streets walking like a zombie......van......Exo."waahhh Oppas!!"   omygee..i-i didn't say that word..O______O.....and suho hyung...OH MY GEE i-i puked on Suho hyung's shirt!!!  i carrased my hair in frustration..OH MY GEE what stupid things more did i do? i was so so so drunk? how many did i drank? ohmy...and where am i? i looked around the room to find myself inside my own room...stupid me...ok i slowly got on my feet..i am so so so dizzy..i was stumbling as i get soon aas i get up.i

go straight to the bathroom and took abath..i smell alchohol. yuck

-----------------------after 20 mins-----------

i wore a simple blue t-shirt and demin shorts. i combed my curly hair. and once i'm done. i headed towards the door.but i am i gonna faced them? waaah i am ashamed of myself!i am their manager and this is how i work? i looked at myself on the mirror..i took a deep breath and..."ok Elena you're gonna be fine..jus-just apolagized ok?" i  tlked to myself..stupid right?...


."bu-but they'll be mad at me!! Suho hyung will scold me!!" argh my other side argued like a little kid..


" should not be afraid like a little kid ..stupid Elena" my other side argued back


"ehh? i'm so so so afraid!!!"


."veryone must face their fears!! so get your ass out of here and apolagized"


.and without any hesitation i opened the door. but once i opened it..EXO suddenly appeared there.some were i guess leaning on my door while listening to my crazyness so they stumbled on top of the other. while the others who are matured enough to wait for me were laughing their ass off as the eavdropers fell down.



"hey watch it!"

"argh hyunbg you're so heavy!!"

."waaah who farted?"

.then they got up and got away from each other


."yah hyung i know you're the one who farted!" Kai accused Chanyeol


."yah you little kid..who told you huh?!!" Chanyeol argued


."my nose did"


."then  your nose smelled got the wrong peron. maybe its you. since its YOUR nose. maybe your nose smelled you own butt."


they just argued like stupid kids. can't help but to burst into laughter. ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha i laughed so hard..maybe i laughed 20x. then i stopped laughing when i sensed that all eyes were on me. they were grinning at me. "i-im sorry hyungs"i said as i wiped my tears of super duper joy


."what? what did you say? can't hear you" baekhyun said as he leaned his ears on me


I Am Exo's manager (exo fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now