Cold Fish

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Elena's pov

so after saying the truth to them... things were was hard  for them  to take that i'm still a vampire. especially Sehun.

he's  being cold to me.. its not like the old him who would asked me if i want to play videos gamess, or he woud offer me a bubble tea and have some time with him...but now. not even a glance  at me..he's ignoring me, avoiding  me. why??? why do you have to do thaat? its still me!! im still Elena! your manager!! your gonju! your sister! what's wrong wit----

"yah Elena! we have  to go!!" Baekhyun called me from the van.

"ahh nae! coming!!" i  yelled back as  i picked up my things. i do have a LOT of things. and its hard to carry them all at once. but i don't want to call them just to help me carry these cause i know they are really tired plus we're gonna be late for the meeting held by LSM hyung. and you know that he doesn't want anyone late. so we have to hurry. but with these high heels and skirt?!!  damn! its hard to move considering that the wind is blowing not hard but enough for my skirt to fly fly away~~ but i have to keep going!.. and so i walked carefully but fast enough. while avoiding some cracks on the ground............

c'mon Elena!!!! faster you turtle girl!! the meeting~~ LSM hyung~ - My Conscience scolded me.... and so, i walked faster.....

but...unfortunately. and malas ka talaga. and  bad luck has a really strong  energy.... i Tripped...gravity is pulling my body towards  the ground to hit my pretty and fabulous face.... but before that happen. a pair of hands catched me before i hit the ground. my things were scattered on the floor.. " You should be more careful" a low voice of...of Sehun whispered unto my ear. i was shocked at what  happened and didn't move until Sehun helped me stand up and snaps his finger infront of me. "ahh? ohh.. thank you hyuung" i said shyly.. he didn't respond but  he bent down and pick up my things. i did the same...

then we simultaneously grab my purse of make-up. i was surprised at the same time feeling hot red on my cheeks. >///<

"ah...ah..ummm. ehem" i cleared my throat and grabbed my purse as i stand up. i stood firmly to gain my composure.

"um... thank you for helping me hyung."

"hmm. no worries." he walked away with my things. what the hell?? he's still cold to me?? tss fine. if that's what you want then so be it.....let's be a cold fish towards each other... then i started to walk...........


i was just staring blanky at the power point prepared by whoever that is....its just al about the annivesary of the company blahblahbblah~....i'm not realy in the mood pipol..*sigh*......."wow that's one huge sigh you got there" brother said. i just hummeed in agreement....

"something wrong Sis?" he asked... i turned to him and looked straight in the eye..there's nothing wrong about telling him my probllem right? okay....

"Sehun's a cold fish.."  simply said....

"ahhhh. so that's why you're gloomy as dead" he smirked

"tss whatever' -_-" an asshole brother...i just hate him when he's smirking.

" don't mind them, they are not  your problem. our real problem is....they're getting closer to us"

he whispered. and i already know what he meant by it.....

"how can you be so sure?" i asked

"two days ago, someone attacked me while i was walking down  the sttreets.. and i asure you it's  a vampire. i killed it and go straight to LSM hyung" he said

"you what?? what if they followed you? what if they hurt  LSM hyung?? why do you always involve innocent people!!" i whispered..trying not to gain attention.

"FYI Sis. hyung is not a normal person. he's a Warlord/Wizard. don't worry he's stronger than any of us." he said. i turned to LSM hyung, he turned to me at winked at me as if he was listening to us. o.o....

"fine. okay. what do we do now?" i asked.

"talk to your group(Exo) and discuss this with them. you need to be more careful..always locked every doors in  your dorm. you might as well put vervain in every corner of te dorm... you''re immune to vervain right?... he eyed me...

i bit my lower lip. and avoided his stare...

"oh no!! can you not be immune??? don't tell me you didn't practiced drinking it?/"

"Kuya, its so hard to drink it. i feel like my body's gonna rot if i drink it!!." i argued bback

"little Sis!! argh!! starting from now  i'll praccticce you in drink vervain. its for your own good.. you'll thank me in the future.... he said.......



i discuss it with my hyungs and as usual Sehun is avoiding me but luckly he was there while we discuss it..

"so we should not let anyoone in?" Chen asked

"no its not like don't let them in.. but 'Don't invite them in'.. its different.. when someone knocks at the door. just open it and talk to them.. don't step outside. just have your bussiness there finish as quickly as possible." i formally said.

"oh okay" chen said.

"i'll asked for more vervain from LSM hyung so we pput itinevery corner. avoid going outside when its starting to get dark...when you're going out. go with a group. its hard to fight a group  of wolves. remember you are stronger than us." i adviced  them. they just nodded. i drank the vervain juice made by brother. i chocked i wanted to spit it out but i can't . and so i forcely swallowed the juice. i was panting really hard. sweat was all over my face....Suho,Lay, and Baekhyun patted me and comforted me... its really hard to get immunize on this vervain... bbut i have to.... i stand up to gain my coomposure....i took a deep breath..."okay... that. ends our discussion. its late let's go to sleep.. lock the doors and windows." with that some of them locked the doors on the first floor while others on the second floor....then when it was all set. we head back to our room to sleep.....

i just hope nothhing will happen as we sleep...i close my eyes and sleep...........

Her pov

sleep tight princess. the time is near when your head will be mine ahahahahahahahahhaahahha



after a looooooooooooooooooong time chingus!!!!!!!! mianhae!!!

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