conflicts within us

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Elena's pov

"ehem" someone cleared his throat


i pulled away from kyu's hugged and search for that person.


my eyes landed on Exo...waaah my hyungs were al here to fetch face brighten up!!.i quickly ran to them so i can receive a big hug!!! i opened my arms to them with a big wide smile. its like a kid running to her 'OPPA' -_- i really hate the word....



but..i didn't get any responce from hugs.. unike my bright face..they have a gloomy face..what happened? did someone died?


."what's the problem hyung?" i asked Luhan hyung who is in front. he didn't anwser me. instead he looked at me in the eye and then turned his back away. he walked away. then the others followed. one by one waking away from me....towards the door....



Luhan hyung gave me a sad expression. they didn't even say a word..i-i hate this.i hate being rejected.being avoided by people who are dear to me....why...hyungs?

.i clenched my fist. and as quick as lighting i ran towards the door.before they even open it. i stopped them and slammed the the closed. i'm looking at the ground not wanting to see their sad expresion..i feel like i wanted to cry. after all this efforts on this commercial shit. after being embarrassed. after all my hardwork here. this? this is how the comfort me? why? if they're tired i tried to comfort them. by my words of my simpple actions. simple smile. i know!! i knnow it somehow their tiredness would be gone.....



"wh-wh hyungs? wha-what's this sudden change of mood.what did i do to make you all like this? anwser me hyungs" i said gently. if you're not dense... then you can tell that i'm holding back my river-like tears.



still..NO RESPONSE.....


then a hand grabbed  my right hand which was blocking the door. i looked up to see Luhan hyung staring at the ground. what the hell is with this drama???!! the next thing i knew is that iwas being pushed away (gently) from door. when i was not blocking the way anymore. they all exited leaving me behind....with no clear explanation.


.then in a second they were all gone....



Suho's pov

tsk i felt guilty for leaving her. i felt guilty for not explaining to her. i felt guilty that i didn't spoke up as leader to her. i-i don't know what just happened..when Luhan walked body followed him.i don't know.....we reached our van. silently we go inside. i'm gonna be the driver..i sat on my seat.still not starting the engine


"yah suho hyung start the engine now.i want to go home already." Kai said


"i think we shouldn't have left her." i said

"this is wrong guys. she's still our manager. we need to respect her..we need to explain to her..we need to open up to her..we shouldn't have left her there" i said

I Am Exo's manager (exo fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now