My Brother

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Elena's pov

since the day he left. all of us promised that we'll do our best in everything. we'll work harder than before. we'll be stronger than before. befor he  left me on that cold midnight in the middle of the forest. he told me :" don't worry, i'll be watching you evrytime. when you'll be needing some help. calll me and i'll be there."


.and so i know thatt he's here even though  i cannot see him. he's  protecting me. i smile to myself.


"looks like someone's happy' chen teased me


.we are now wakling in a hallway towards ourr studio. we just finished our lunch. its aready llate afternoon.. i looked at chhen hyung who is smiling widely at me.. "hyung stop that. why is it bad to smille?" i slightly slap his face away...


."no. but since Kris hyung left us, you've been giving us a fake smile" he said


.i was taken aback. fake smile you say.?. i didn't know i was lying to myself that i'll be okay.i-im so selfish. how can i be this stupid and not sensitve enough to understand ther feelings. feelings who are more hurt than me...i taught i was ook. but why didn't i realized it? how come they were the one who recognized it first? why didn't i understand my one feeling tsk. stupid hyung......i looked at chen hyung and ....hugged him..........



.Chen's pov

.she suddenly hugged me. i was so surprised. so was the other members. even though i'm still lost in who knows swhere. i just hugged her back...i carrased her black curly hair..


"i'm sorry hyung if i've been selfish. i know you were all affected too.but you still manage to give your fans your smile. while me......" she started sniffing. she was about to cry any tiime now. i don't what to say. i'm nt used to this stuff. i looked at the other members for some help. "help me" i mouthed. fortunately they understood it.


"yah.Elena." baekhyun slapped her head. "ouch" she said. she turned to face baekhyun. "yah. why did you do that. stupid brother!!!" she said as she slap his arm.


"yah. then stop making drama here. it doesn't suit  you" baekyung joked....


mher face turned red. "you---" before she even continue..Luhan and Xiumin hyung pinched both of her cheeks. one on the left the one on the right..."yah..thoead. sthaat!" we didn't even understand what she said.but we knoow that she wanted  them to stop "whhat?we  didn't undersstand you?   what???" they joked...we just laughed our asses off...


"pwahhaah look at her face"


laughter filled the hallway... its really funny to bully our manager. "yah!!steop eit..thsuho!! hyong!!!!" she said. as she tried to get away from those two... "mainahe ma-hahahnager" suho hyung saiid as he laughed with us too...."gweget afway prom mmeee!!!" she stomped at their feet. which caused them to stumbled down....


."ouch" they said as they massage their feet... "haha>mehrong" she said as she run away.


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