[5] Chemistry

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You had asked your mom if you could go over to Peter's apartment to work on the chem project Mr. Arrow gave you. Your mom looked at you for a long time and you were mentally preparing yourself for rejection and a lecture because you knew your mom. She was strict with boys, especially if he's someone she doesn't know too much of and if you were going over to his place. But you kept your fingers crossed.

"Sure. But I want you to call me multiple times just to check in. And I want you home by 9 o'clock, you hear me?" Your mom stated in a stern voice. You stood up straight looking into her protective eyes. "Yes, mom."

With that, you ran back up to your room and took your backpack, packing the things you need. Then you took your phone and gave Peter a heads up through text.

(Y/n):  i can come over. be there in 20

You scrolled back up to find the information of where Peter's apartment is. It was about 7 blocks from your apartment so it was a long walk. But you still had your black and white skateboard from eighth grade in the back of your closet. You decided to look for the old thing and you found a side, pulling it from behind some boxes. You pulled a little too hard and ended up falling backwards once you got the board. You huffed the hair out of your face while you spun each wheel to check if it was okay. They seemed fine so you just accepted its condition. You collected everything else you needed.

Slinging your backpack over your shoulder and picking up the skateboard with your other hand, you stepped downstairs immediately racing to the door because your mom hated the skateboard, always worrying if you'd get hurt.

"Bye mom!! Tell dad where I was!!" You exclaimed opening the door. Your dad was at work so he wasn't home to get the news that you were going out.

You dropped your skateboard on the pavement and stepped on it. You almost fell, but that is because you haven't rode in almost 2 years. In a couple minutes you got the hang of it.

You kicked down on the sidewalk, beginning to make your way to Peter's apartment.

*time skip to Peter's house*

You hopped off your skateboard and kicked down on one side to pick it up. You had to go on the 3rd level of the building, so you took the elevator.

Once up on the floor, you searched for the apartment number. It wasn't long until you found it and almost hesitated knocking on the door 3 times.

In 5 seconds, the door opened to a woman who wore glasses and had thick dark brown hair.

"Hello, hun. May I help you?" The lady asked politely. You nodded. "Yes, uh, I'm looking for Peter?"

"Estoy aquí." Peter's voice rang from a distance not too far. He appeared behind the lady with a cheeky grin on his face. "Thank you, Aunt May. I'll take it from here."

"Oh is this (y/n)? Nice to meet you, dear!" Aunt May said happily, taking your free hand that wasn't holding your skateboard in between her two hands. "Peter has told me a lot about you!!"

Your eyebrows rose and your gaze went to Peter's face. "I hope they were good comments." You chuckled as Aunt May let go of your hand.

"Come in, sweetie!!" Aunt May made way for you, as well as Peter. "This is a very nice place, Mrs. Parker." You complimented looking around.

"'Mrs. Parker?'" Aunt May turned to you with a questioning look. Your eyes slightly went wide thinking you said something wrong. "Just call me Aunt May... or May." She shrugged. "I don't need a title like that." She reassured with a gentle smile. "I'm just gonna watch tv while you two are in Peter's room. If you want a snack, (y/n), feel free to open the fridge." Those were the last words Aunt May said before she left to another room.

"Wow, she's super nice." You commented with raised eyebrows. Peter nodded scratching the back of his neck. "Y-yeah, she's very welcome with guests."

"I didn't know you ride a skateboard." Peter then motioned to your black and white board you still held. "Oh yeah.. I started learning 3 years ago. I don't even do tricks–just use it to get around." You shyly said moving the board to your other hand since it was kinda heavy.

"Here let me take that." Peter's hands took hold of your board and he placed it next to the door. "You can put it right there." He finished.

"You can." You shot back with a smartass smirk. Peter only looked at you with a 'really?' face, but you just laughed.

"Anyways, I'll show you my room." Peter turned on his heel, leading you to a small blue room. There was one window, a twin sized bed, a computer and desk, and a closet next to the door. "This is it. Not the best but it's a good space." Peter plopped down on his bed, making a squeaky sound. You took a seat at his computer chair and turned to him.

"Soooo... chem project..." You trailed hoping to remind him why you're here. "Right!" Peter walked over and picked up his backpack taking out the packet from a week ago.

"Something about doing the lab first and then making a write up about it." Peter scanned the first page. "Ugghh." You groaned in agony. "I hate doing lab write ups!"

Peter took his seat back on the bed. "At least we have partners..." He kept reading, but noticed you were trying to read what he was reading. "Why don't you sit next to me?" Peter's eyes brought its way to yours. You didn't say anything as you gently made your way next to Peter on the bed. He leaned towards you on the side to show you something on the page.

Your heart skipped a beat since he was so close to you. You tried to focus on the paper, but his words were the only thing filling your mind.

"Blah blah blah... titration... blah blah blah... adding in the base... blah blah.. slowly add acid..."

"Got it?" Peter's head turned to face yours. You looked up at him with raised eyebrows nodding. "Yeah, yup..."

Peter was still looking at you and you only stared back. "What you looking at?" You question slightly. It was like Peter was in a trance. He shook himself back into reality.

"Uhh..there's a piece of dust on your nose.." Then, Peter took his finger and brushed down your nose supposedly removing the 'dust'. You scrunched your nose to his touch. He giggled quietly as you felt heat rising to your cheeks.

Is there chemistry brewing between you two?

— ♡ —

*throws a stack of paper on a desk so it makes that smack sound* BOOM. I PUT A PUN.

This was kind of a fluff but it was to keep the story going soooo yeahhhh

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[ July 26, 2017 ]

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