[25] I Can't Move

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*Your POV*

Trudging your way to your room, you couldn't feel your legs. You couldn't feel anything, actually. You felt numb. It wasn't a good feeling.

The fact that you could've gone through something so horrendous gives you a lump in the throat. You tried to forget it, but it just fucking happened. You need help.

"(Y/n)! (Y/n)!!!" You hear your mom run up the stairs. You opened your bedroom door beginning to walk in. You felt a hand on your shoulder and you yelped at the touch and moved your shoulder away. You looked at your mom with shock and she looked back with grief.

You gave your mom a softened look, trying to tell her you didn't mean to do that.

Your mom followed you in your room. You took a seat on your bed, suddenly feeling something going down your cheek. Carefully and gently touching your skin and retrieving your hand, you saw a red.

"Mommy." Your voice cracked. Keeping your head down, your mom approached you. You felt your face scrunch into a cry again.

"Sweetie.." Your mom whispered bringing her hands out. You saw and you didn't inch away, which allowed your mom to put her hands under your jaw. "Mommy I'm bleeding." You let a sob out.

Your mom's eyes became glossy as she sat next to you on the bed. You fell on her shoulder crying again. God you were tired of crying. It was starting to hurt your throat and your chest.

"It's okay, baby. You're going to be okay. We'll let your dad know and we will get you help." You mom reassured rubbing your hair. You felt her arms hold your head as you let tears spill.
You then realized you didn't see your dad when you came in. He probably just went out for a bit. You didn't question.

You two were like that for around 10 minutes, crying, sobbing, gripping onto your mother for protection. Your mom was gently rocking back and forth like she used to when you were little.

After time has passed, you stopped crying, but you were having trouble breathing because of your immense crying.

"Shhh... it's okay, baby." You felt your mom plant a kiss on the top of your head.

"I-I-I.." You try to speak through short breaths. "You what, baby?" Your mom encouraged. "I-I k-kn-know who d-did it."

You gulped, beginning to get frustrated by the lack of air you had in your lungs. Your chest was heaving for breath yet you can't regain any. You felt your mom stop her movements.

"W-who?" She stuttered, fear in her voice. You coughed and gulped trying to respond.


You felt your mom stop rocking you back and forth. Her hand on your head came to a halt from combing your hair. Your mom pushed you up looking into your red eyes. The fear on her face grew so much that you wanted to cry again. She didn't say anything. You didn't say anything.

"(Y/n)..." Her voice became stern. "Mom, I'm serious!" You pleaded, which you probably didn't have to because why would you lie about this?

Your mom's lips pursed as she looked up and down your body. You broke eye contact, realizing you were still in your dress. Ugh, this dress.

"Get changed, (y/n)." Your mom rubbed the back of your head. "I'll clean up your cheek and we'll sort this out."

*time skip*

You stopped crying because you couldn't cry anymore. Your breathing was still erratic, but you managed. You were in your pajamas: sweatpants and a Spider Man shirt. Somehow you felt proud for wearing that shirt.

You were in the bathroom sitting on the toilet seat. You mom was knelt beside you on the side of where your scratches were. Your dad, who just came home from wherever he went, was standing at the door frame. He just heard the story of what happened and he was furious. He obviously didn't take it out on you. He was determined to get things right with Mikey as well.

But what your parents didn't question was about Peter. You didn't tell them Peter stood you up, not that you'd want to bring it up. But both of your parents knew you were going out with him.

And as if on cue, your dad asked, "I thought you were just going out to dinner with Peter?"

You kept your eyes away from both of your parents. You thought about your answer. You didn't want your dad to get mad at Peter. Or maybe you did because he forgot when he made sure he was going to make it up to you.

"He forgot." You simply stated, flinching a little when you felt your mom rub the alcohol on your cheek. It stung.

"He forgot??" Your dad repeated with a question. "Yeah." You slightly shrugged looking down. "Put your head up I can't see." You mom instructed.

"And I had hope for that boy!!" Your dad's voice rose. You looked up at him, your eyes aching again. "Dad, please." You said quietly not wanting to snap at him. He looked at your pleading eyes and his stiff shoulders loosened.

"I can deal with it. I'm a big girl now." You slightly chuckled trying to shed some light on this situation.

Your mom exchanged cotton pads and wiped down your cheek with a dry one. Then your dad crouched down next to your mom to look at you better.

"I just want the best for you. I want you to be happy and I know you can do a lot of things by yourself, but after what happened–" "Honey, no." Your mom interrupted. He realized what he could've done if he continued.

"I'm gonna be okay, really. I just.. don't want to go to school for the rest of the week." You said, your voice more audible. Your dad shook his head.

"We are getting you help. You have an appointment with a therapist on Friday. I'm not gonna let this slide like before." Your dad stood up and kissed the top of your head before leaving the bathroom.

"Do I really have to go?" You looked at your mom who was applying Neosporin on your cheek. She nodded solemnly. "We all have to go." She closed the tube. "We love you, (y/n). This is partially how we show it." You mom took the stuff from your lap and put it back to where she took it.

You got up going to your room, finding that it's already midnight. You checked your phone and you saw a couple messages from Peter that was sent two hours ago.

Peter: (y/n) please talk to me

Peter: I'm sorry I got caught up in something..

Peter: you mean the world to me and I need to get things straight

Peter: i love you.

You didn't bother replying. You just stared at your phone with narrowed eyes and a quiet scoff. You were too tired and too bothered about everything.

Faceplanting on your bed, you groaned feeling the cold side of the pillow on your face. You turned to your side without the scratch and just laid there, thinking.

That thinking kind of started turning into fangirling when you remembered that Spider Man helped you. You broke out a small smile and it was a relief from all of this stress. But a question that you still can't help but think is:

'Why does he sound so familiar???'

'No seriously...'

— ♡ —

Filler chapter focusing a lot more on (y/n) and what will happen in the story going forward.

I hope you guys are liking the book :)

I've mentioned this before a few chapters back about my problem with reminding myself to write in second person when it's the reader's POV and I just wanna say that if I start writing in FIRST person mode (I, my) don't mind it. Honestly it doesn't even make a difference, but I tried to keep this book organized ¯\_()_/¯ plus I might be writing in first person from now on since it's just instinct BUT if reader's POV switches, don't mind it, you're the reader an the character anyways

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[ August 14, 2017 ]

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