[23] You Promised

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You sat there at the table for a while now. A stressing pain twisted your stomach at the thought of this date going south. Checking the time, it was 7:40 pm. Your heart sank because the last time you checked was 6:53 pm. You sat here for an hour already.

"Ma'am I could get you started on something." Your waiter came back with sympathy in his voice. Resting your fingers on your temple area, you denied him for the third time already. "It's okay, I'll wait."

Looking up at your server, he had worry in his eyes, but you showed that it was fine with an innocent smile. He nodded and went back to the other tables he was serving.

You still had your and supposedly Peter's menu boards on the table. Your water glass was two-thirds empty and the lemon had already fallen in the cup.

As time passed by, waiters and waitresses gave you a glance and you saw some had sorrow. Others had shock. You ignored their looks, hope beginning to disintegrate.

Now, you finally decided to text Peter.

(Y/n): where the hell are you?!?

You put your phone down not wanting to desperately wait for a reply. That, and your heart was so uncomfortable in your chest you felt like you needed to take off your bra. Your knee was bouncing with impatience at this point.

More waiters and waitresses passed by your table and you noticed how a small group of them gathered, talking. One turned to you, noticed you were looking, then turned back into the circle telling the group. You rolled your eyes, too annoyed to even care.

You didn't want to, but you opened your lockscreen again. 8:10 pm. You took a heavy sigh, your head falling into your hands that were propped on the table.

"Miss, are you sure he's coming?" Your waiter came up behind you, lightly placing a hand on your bare shoulder. You pulled your head up taking in a breath, feeling the tears start to ache in your eyes.

"I'm sorry I wasted your time. Thank you for checking up on me every few minutes." You said quickly, pulling out a 5 dollar bill from your wallet-case, taking his hand and putting the money in it. You did this as quickly as you could to prevent the waiter from seeing you slip a tear. Without another word and maybe a quiet sob, you left the restaurant. You were sure the customers there as well were staring at you, but that was the very least of your worries.

Completely frustrated and upset, you let a couple tears and sobs break through. You passed by some people on the street not giving a damn about their weird looks.

You kept your head down. Wiping your face every so often, you found mascara smudges on your hand.


With a thought, you took your way to Peter's apartment.

As you got in the building, you managed to stop your hysterical crying. But you knew well that you look like a hot mess. You went to the elevator and went to Peter's floor. Each second that passed made you want to cry even more. You tried to keep calm by taking in deep breaths.

You made it to the floor and you easily found Peter's door. Knocking on it three times, the door opened to Aunt May who started off with a welcoming smile to a shocked and very confused expression.

"(Y/n)!!" She exclaimed her eyes widening at me. "Hey, Aunt May." You replied in monotone. You didn't move, but your eyes did wander to someone who was sitting at the couch, looking at you as well.

"Oh are you busy? I can–" "No no no! Come in! Are you okay? (Y/n) what happened?!" May's voice grew in serious concern. You stepped in the apartment a little. "Is Peter here?" You asked the dreading question.

Aunt May closed her mouth and stepped back a little to the stairs. "Peter!! Come down!!" May yells up the stairs.

You felt your knees going weak. Your hands were shaking; it was obvious when you held your phone and your key that was hooked on kept jingling. Your heart, oh god your heart; You'd might as well go into cardiac arrest.

And that's when you felt your stomach being punched in the guts. Peter made his way down stairs rubbing an eye with his hand. He had a sleepy look. Your eyebrows scrunched together as he realized the situation.

Peter's eyes widened as he made his way 5 feet in front of you. His mouth opened to say something, but all you heard was, "I-er. Uh." And a couple short sucks of air.

Aunt May noticed the tension and took the person at the couch and herself out of the room.

"Really, Peter?" You said in a harsh whisper, angry boiling in your body. "Didn't you get my text??" Peter was only staring at your messed up makeup. "I was in that goddamn restaurant for an hour and you didn't even show up!!!" Your sentence volume increased as it went on.

"(Y/n) I can explain!" Peter fights back. You cross your arms looking at him as if he was insane. "Can you?!" You shouted, your throat feeling sore a little. "Because the only explanation that I can fuCKING THINK OF IS THAT YOU FORGOT!!"

That made Peter step back a little. You yelled at him like you did to Mikey. Rage was running through your veins and your caring self didn't show.

"YOU FUCKING FORGOT AND LEFT ME SITTING ALONE FOR AN HOUR." You stated very very clearly and loudly. Peter closed his mouth not saying a word. "Do you know how embarrassing that was for me, Peter?"

That was it. Putting his name into your words made him react. He only scrunched his face as if your words were literal objects that were being thrown at him.

"Waiters and waitresses were looking at me and feELING SORRY BECAUSE YOU FORGOT!!" You threw your hands up as your voice rose again. You felt the anger start to die down. You grew quiet and let Peter speak.

"(Y/n), I'm so sorry." Was all he said taking a step towards you. You moved back. "Yeah you should be." You didn't make eye contact with him.

"Is there something you're hiding??" You then began to question looking down at the floor, your tone still harsh. There was a pause. "N-no!" Peter replied hesitantly and nervously.

You figured that's what he would say.

There was a weird and uncomfortable silence between you both, and you broke it by looking back up at Peter's chocolate eyes. You took a sigh seeing the sadness.

"You promised, Peter." Your voice now so much softer. It made Peter's eyes go wide when he remembered.

No other words were exchanged, so you took it as that it was finished. You turned your heel to the door, but a hand took your wrist.

"Where are you going?" Peter's voice slightly cracked. You saw the glossiness of his eyes. You broke eye contact. "Home."

"But who's gonna take you?"


You yanked your wrist from Peter and exited the door, closing it quietly to not disturb the neighbors.

You left the apartment complex with even more tears streaming down your face.

*Peter's POV*

'I just... she just...'

I stood in my place completely struck.

"Peter?" I hear Aunt May come from the other room. I ignore her.

I check the time, 8:45 pm; it's getting dark.

(Y/n) can't walk alone at this hour.

— ♡ —

Was this dramatic enough? Idk it felt weak when I was writing xD

Also I had to change the personal pronouns to second-person pronouns and it's so hard to remember to write 'you/your' when writing this ugh

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[ August 12, 2017 ]

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