Unexpected Blessings

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Hello, I am back! Last month I took a very long break from stan twitter due to some drama so I have been very much absent up until recently but I have been working on this next chapter for a few weeks now and plan on making it very very long for you guys! Also, I hit 3k reads on both my works?! You guys are INSANE! Thank you all so much for the love and support, it really means the world to me! <3

"A house Derek and this beautiful piece of land? You are too much," Meredith smiled. "Well you wanted to live together and start a family and this house is the perfect place to raise a family," he said back to her. "I love you, Derek Shepherd. More than anything else," she said with a grin.

As they walked back to the car they discussed when they would move in and if they wanted to sell Meredith's house or not. "What if we don't sell it? What if we just keep it?" Meredith asked. "And own two houses? Meredith, what would we do with it?" he asked a bit concerned. "Well if the family ever visited they could stay in it and when our kids grow up they could live in it like I did. It's just a thought, if you don't think we should do that then we won't," she said looking back at him. "Why don't we think about it for a few days," he said as he grabbed her hand. They walked back to the car and looked over the land some more. It was a stunning piece of property, more than Meredith dreamed of having. She was already imagining how she would decorate their new home and the kids' rooms. Shit. Kids. He talked about a family and raising one here. Am I-I'm late and I've never been late. Oh my god. Meredith didn't even notice she was talking out loud and Derek stopped her before they got to the car. "Mer?" he asked in shock and concern. His mind was stuck. "Derek, I-I don't know, are we even prepared for a baby. We just bought a house and there's no furniture in it. That means we only have nine months to move in and make the house perfect and-" Meredith rambled as a stray tear ran down her cheek. "Mer, Mer, slow down okay. We don't even know for sure, we'll go to the doctor and whatever happens, happens." Derek said wiping her tears away. "Okay," she said wrapping her arms around him and holding him closely.

They got in the car and drove home, Meredith fixed them lunch and called her doctor to schedule an appointment for 3:00 that afternoon. On one hand, she was hoping she was pregnant but on the other, she was terrified. And what about Isabelle? They hadn't heard anything in over a week. She knew that they may send her to her grandparents to live with them which Meredith didn't mind. She was starting to think that maybe things wouldn't work out for them to adopt her, as long as Isabelle went to a loving home she was content. "Hey," Derek said walking into the kitchen. "You okay?" Meredith sighed, "Yeah I am actually, a bit nervous but I'm okay. Derek smiled, he believed her this time when she said she was okay, "Good," he mouthed and kissed her cheek. Meredith was head over heels for this man, he amazed her every single day. He could say one little thing and it made her heart skip a beat.

Meredith might be pregnant and I still haven't proposed, I need to talk to Mark about this one.

"Hey Mer, I'm gonna run down to the shop, Mark needs help with the computer, I will be back in less than an hour. I promise," he said grabbing his keys. "Okay, I love you. Be careful," Meredith hollered into the other room. "I love you too baby," Derek said as he walked out the door. Derek drove rather quickly down to the shop, it's a wonder he wasn't in an accident. "Well isn't it Derek Shepherd at work on his day off," Mark said standing up. "Uh huh, can I talk to you for a sec," Derek said walking over to his office. "What's up?" Mark was honestly a bit concerned. "Meredith might be pregnant, and we bought this house, and oh yeah I haven't even asked her to marry me." Derek spat off. "Wow, um, congrats on the house and the maybe baby. But I mean you can still propose like planned, it's okay to do things out of order. Meredith loves you and I don't think that's gonna change. You love this woman Derek, just go with your gut." Mark said patting Derek on the shoulder. "It's all just happening so fast I guess I haven't had much time to think about everything. She has an appointment this afternoon so I guess I'll figure out what I'm gonna do after that. Thanks, Mark," he said. "Anytime man,"

When Derek got back home he saw Meredith standing in front of their bedroom puffing her belly out and rubbing it. "Hey," she said turning around to face him. "You are gonna be one hot mama," he said laughing and plopping down on their bed. "You think so? Even when I'm fat and eating everything in sight," she giggled. "Even then," he said. "Well it's 2:45 we should probably get going," she said putting on her shoes. "You nervous?" he asked lightly. "Yeah I am, you?" she asked hoping he wouldn't be. "A little bit, but I'll be there every step of the way," he said rubbing the small of her back as they walked towards the car. "Good, because I'll need you,"

They drove to the doctor's office, Meredith held Derek's hand the entire way there, she was really nervous. What if she's not pregnant and they both got their hopes up just to be let down? What if she was pregnant and they aren't prepared? All these things ran through her mind and there was nothing she could do about it. Derek pulled into the parking lot and shut the vehicle off interrupting Meredith's thoughts. She didn't even realize her hand resting on her belly, "Meredith," Derek said seeing she was lost in thought. "Oh yeah, sorry, just thinking," she said unbuckling her seatbelt.

They walked into the doctor's office and sat down in the waiting room. Not too much later a nurse took them back to the room and drew some blood from Meredith. "Nervous?" the nurse asked. "Yeah," Meredith said watching her take the needle out. "Well, it shouldn't be too long before we have the test results," the nurse said walking away. Meredith scooted back up onto the exam table and Derek grabbed her hand, "It'll be okay, I promise," Meredith looked down at their interlocked hands, "Yeah, it will," she responded with a smile. Derek smiled back at her as someone knocked on the door.

"Meredith Grey?" the doctor asked. "Yep, that's me," Meredith said getting super nervous. "We have your test results and it looks like you're expecting!" Meredith looked at Derek. "I-I'm pregnant?" she asked getting excited. "That would be correct," the doctor said looking over some information. "Meredith, we're-we're having a baby!" Derek said wrapping his arms around her. "Oh my god," she said smiling into his shoulder.

Meredith hadn't been this excited in a few weeks but now she's carrying a life. One that she and Derek created and to Meredith that was the most incredible thing in the entire world. She rubbed her abdomen with her hand and looked into Derek's ocean blue eyes, "I love you so much," she said. Derek had tears in his eyes, he had never been happier, "I love you too," he said. The doctor ran some other tests and got Meredith scheduled for another checkup in a few weeks and sent them home. "Let's get married," Derek blurted out. "What?" Meredith said looking over. "Well I've been wanting to propose since Christmas but the timing was never perfect and now you're pregnant," he said not realizing what he had said prior. "Derek, how are we gonna plan a wedding? We have 8 months and even then I'll look like a whale waddling down the aisle to the love of my life, That's not exactly romantic." she laughed. "What if we didn't have a wedding? What if we just went to the courthouse and did the thing and then celebrate with a fancy dinner, it's low-key, cost effective, and then maybe in a year or so we could take our honeymoon trip," he said thinking that maybe this was the way to do it. "That actually sounds perfect, but can we get married tomorrow? I'm starving," she said. Derek laughed, "Well I guess you are eating for two now," Meredith smiled, "I guess I am,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2017 ⏰

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